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LUXYVET propone un laser terapeutico specifico per il mondo veterinario, ideale per trattare differenti patologie in modo non invasivo.

Questo specifico dispositivo sfrutta la luce laser monocromatica coerente e altamente concentrata per il trattamento dei tessuti danneggiati o infiammati degli animali.

La luce che viene emessa dal laser terapeutico viene assorbita dalle cellule del tessuto, stimolando la produzione di energia cellulare, migliorando la circolazione sanguigna e il metabolismo cellulare. L’obiettivo è quello di portare ad un aumento del flusso di nutrienti e di ossigeno nei tessuti, in modo da facilitare la guarigione delle lesioni e ridurre l’infiammazione.


Biostimulation / Analgesia

Photo-biostimulation/analgesia is a low-power diode laser therapy called LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy). The photo-biostimulation and analgesia effect of Luxyvet Laser accelerates biochemical, molecular and cellular events in the target organ. The action occurs not by thermal increase but by a consequent change in the cellular energy level. Cells in the target organ are induced, by the radiation of Luxyvet Laser, to change their electronic state, with peripheral electrons changing state into orbitals, to a higher energy level. Specifically involved during photo-biostimulation of the chromophores are catalysts such as cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH), superoxide desmutase (SOD), photoreceptor proteins such as endogenous porphyrins and periostin, inducing an increase in ATP synthesis, the fuel needed for all metabolic processes. The activation of catalytic chromophores leads to the secondary effects of cell stimulation, a necessary condition for the reparative processes and analgesic effects induced by photobiostimulation. Hamblin et al. (Harvard University and MIT) demonstrate how the analgesic effect of the diode laser acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyperpolarizing effect that renders the pain receptor stimulus ineffective. The biological effects of Luxyvet Laser are verifiable on tissues with pathological suffering, while there are no clinical findings on healthy tissues that cannot activate reparative processes. The aim of photo-biostimulation with Luxyvet Laser is to catalyse healing processes for effective clinical resolution.

Post-surgical biostimulation

Post-surgical photobiostimulation is irradiation with the 810nm diode laser, at low power density and called LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy), on biological tissue treated with surgical protocols. The biological effects, in the post-surgical phase, are determined by the photons at wavelengths of 810 and 670nm, produce physiological analgesia, anti-inflammation and immediate triggering of tissue repair processes. The dynamic process is not carried out by thermal increase but by a consequent modification of the cellular energy level. The cells of the target organ are induced, by the radiation of the 810nm diode laser, to change their electronic state, with the change of state of peripheral electrons in orbitals, to a higher energy level. During photobiostimulation, catalyst chromophores are involved, such as cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, Coenzyme Q, reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), photoreceptive proteins such as endogenous porphyrins, Periostin, HSP 70, inducing an increase the synthesis of ATP, a substrate necessary for all metabolic processes. The activation of the catalyst chromophores leads to cellular stimulation effects, a necessary condition for the triggering of the reparative processes and the analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects induced by photobiostimulation. Hamblin et al. (Harvard University, Massachusetts Hospital and MIT) demonstrate how the analgesic effect of the diode laser acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyperpolarizing dynamic, on the membrane, which renders the pain receptor stimulus ineffective. The anti-inflammatory effect of the 810 and 670 nm diode laser is linked to the intrinsic property of the infrared, during the irradiation of an inflamed tissue, to rapidly decrease the concentration of pro-inflammatory molecules such as cytokines, interleukins 1, 6, 8 in particular, and TNF-alpha, favoring the tissue reparative evolution. Recent researches (University of Leipzig and University of Paris), have demonstrated the ability of LLLT to stimulate the production of matricellular molecules, necessary to reconstitute a balance between cells and matrix in those tissues subjected to oxidative and thermal stress, increasing the production of HSP 70 and Periostin, both essential for tissue and organ healing processes.


Relapsing sweet itch in horses is a worldwide disease. It is a pathology based on allergies to some salivary components of insects of the genus Culicoides. The characteristic clinical sign is itching triggered by the allergic reaction, with the possible presence of crusted papules on the belly, abdomen and lower limbs. Photobiostimulation with 810nm diode laser, combined with the thermal effect used to sterilize the tissue from the pathogen, is useful for alleviating the annoying symptoms associated with this pathological form. In the case of pustules, in addition to the decontaminating effect, the diode laser radiation has an immediate anti-inflammatory action which avoids drug therapy, in many cases. Based on some environmental factors, the disease can appear between late spring and autumn.

Malassezia dermatitis

It is one of the most common dermatitis in dogs and cats, caused by a microorganism (a yeast) which usually colonizes the animal's body without symptoms. Malassezia prolific on the skin when the balance between cells, matrix and biome undergoes a dynamic contrast. This form of dermatitis is not contagious to humans. In healthy subjects, this microorganism is found throughout the skin and in particular in the ear canal, in the interdigital space, on the armpits and on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and anus. The main symptom is related to itching which causes secondary to scratching, erythema, desquamation, seborrhea and a typical rancid smell. The 810nm diode laser can be successfully used to rebalance tissue dynamics, promoting the synthesis of matricellular molecules such as Periostin, TGF-beta, BMP-2, promoting the synthesis and adhesion of fibroblasts during repair processes.

Feline Militia Dermatitis

Feline Militia Dermatitis is a fairly common disease in cats, and is defined as a form of reaction with many potential causes. The most common is linked to hypersensitivity to flea bites, but also to food and environmental allergens, to pharmacological active substances. Dermatitis can be localized or generalized and, upon observation, small papules can be highlighted in the head and neck, limbs, trunk and lumbosacral district. Lesions may also include alopecia, ulcers with skin erosions. It is essential for the clinician to evaluate, when observing the symptoms, an in-depth medical history in order to adopt a correct therapeutic strategy. All cases of miliary dermatitis should be verified by cytology, also to monitor the progress of bacterial and yeast biome infections. Precisely for this possible confirmation, the use of the 810nm diode laser can be very useful for its decontaminating properties on the bacterial flora and on any spores present, to be applied locally, together with the use of systemic antimicrobials. The subsequent application of photobiostimulation or LLLT determines the triggering of the biological effects of the infrared wavelengths of 650 and 810nm on the irradiated tissues.

Acute pains

Recent studies show that ATP synthesised following biostimulation with the diode laser shows increased kinetics compared to that formed in the absence of photo-activation. The presence of considerable amounts of energy catalyses the cellular reparative processes and the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on the tissue at the site of the lesion. Specifically, Luxyvet Laser, in tissues affected by inflammatory processes, produces a reduction in the concentration of cyclooxygenase, PGE and PGF. Prostaglandins support inflammation by enhancing edema through vasodilatation and act on the conductivity of C nerve fibers by lowering the excitation threshold, which leads to an increase in pain symptoms. COX2 inhibition induced by DG-8 VET reduces prostaglandins with an inhibitory cascade effect on edema and pain. It should be noted that during an acute pain condition, the analgesic activity of DG-8 VET is at its highest expression whereas this evidence is irrelevant on healthy tissue. The transmission of the algic stimulus for the acute pain condition is conducted by the excitation of peripheral receptors that release impulses carried within the myelinated C-fibers and in the myelinated A-fibres. The activation of nociceptors causes membrane depolarisation in the myelin sheaths of Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes. The radiation of Luxyvet Laser acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyper-polarising effect that renders the receptor stimulus ineffective even on an acute pain condition. The gate control theory led to research that verified how laser radiation can produce analgesia (SPA). Increasing the production of Enkephalins and Endorphins in spinal neurons causes the pre- and post-synaptic blockade of both fibers (A and C) involved in pain transmission.

Post-operative pains

Nociceptive sensations after surgery are a physiological condition that includes two types of post-operative pain: chronic pain, which persists more than 3 months after surgery, and acute pain, which generally persists up to 3 months after surgery. Both painful or nociceptive stimuli may occur due to tissue damage and the intensity of the pain is related to any complications that may have occurred during surgery and the type of surgical procedure. The preceding paragraphs have highlighted the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and activating properties of tissue reparative processes that lead to a rapid remission of algic symptoms.

Skin wounds

An accurate assessment of a skin wound is a prerequisite for rational treatment planning. A wound can be described as a continuous solution with or without loss of substance, skin or internal tissue, produced by various external factors, and is an expression of degenerative processes caused by inflammatory, infectious phenomena, circulatory disturbances or tissue damage due to physical or chemical causes. After checking for the presence of necrotic tissue, granulation tissue, and oozing, the clinician will debride the affected tissue portion. Luxyvet Laser is used to rapidly promote reparative processes, such as described in the Biostimulation/Analgesia section, promoting re-epithelialisation and healing without fibrous scarring. By interacting with chromophores that catalyse oxidative phosphorylation, the radiation of Luxyvet Laser accelerates the formation of ATP, the fuel needed for all metabolic processes, including the reparative one, triggered by the increased production of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts and periostin, a protein molecule that is fundamental for all organ repair processes. Periostin binds with extracellular structural molecules such as type I collagen and membrane proteins such as Integrin alpha beta3 and alpha beta 5 and influences collagen fibrillogenesis through fibroblasts. The diameter of the collagen fiber is reduced in the absence of Periostin and TGF beta1 and in this condition the presence of metalloproteinases and Interleukin-1 predominates, which increase their concentration in an inflamed environment. The action of Luxyvet Laser produces an anti-inflammatory effect, already described in the previous paragraphs, and a direct stimulation, by mediating the synthesis of fibroblasts and Periostin, upon the production of collagen and elastin.

Feline eosinophilic granuloma

This pathology, which can affect several animal species, is characterized by the presence of nodules, bubbles, small skin cysts which cause inflammatory symptoms. In horses, it is classified among the nodular dermatitis of this species and has an as yet undefined etiology.

Equine collagenolytic granuloma is characterized by the predominant presence of eosinophils and the pharmacological treatment involves the use of Triamcinolone, a synthetic corticosteroid. Alternatively, the 810 nm diode laser due to its intrinsic decontaminating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and biostimulant biological properties can be used as a valid alternative to traditional therapy.


It is an inflammatory process that has an elective site in the adipose tissue, quite common in pets. It occurs in various forms depending on the etiopathogenesis: traumatic, pancreatic, sterile idiopathic nodular panniculitis, sterile footpad, frequent in German shepherds, post-injection panniculitis and that of infectious origin (Nocardia, Actinomyces, Bartonella, Mycobacteria, Sporothrix, Toxoplasma, Dirofillaria etc. to the.). In all these cases, the panniculitis evolves due to the release of neutral lipids by the damaged adipocytes and this induces inflammatory reactions on the tissue, of the granulomatous type.


The skin district has various defense mechanisms to avoid the penetration and replication of pathogens. In the presence of lesions, even superficial on the animal's skin, bacterial infections can be triggered, the severity of which is linked to the patient's immune conditions, the depth of the tissue planes involved, the virulence of the pathogen and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The FDA has classified these bacterial infections involving the dermis according to their clinical complications. Those classified as uncomplicated, such as Pyoderma caused by Gram-positives, and complicated ones supported by Gram+, Gram-, viruses involving deep structures associated with important pathologies and immunosuppression. The clinician, in the case of Pyoderma (horse, dog, cat et al.) which manifests itself in the form of Impetigo, folliculitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, abscesses, can use the 810nm diode laser for an effective sterilizing action on Gram+, Gram- and viruses, combined with the intrinsic biological properties that determine analgesia, anti-inflammation and triggering of the reparative processes as explained in the previous paragraphs, after having formulated a definitive diagnosis with cytological and histopathological examination. In the case of an abscess, the 810 nm diode laser can be used with an activated 300 micron optical fiber and in contact with the lesion for drainage and surgical excision.

Tissue regeneration

The mechanisms of action of Luxyvet Laser radiation on epithelial, connective, muscular, bone, nerve and vascular tissue are explained by the acceleration of biochemical and cellular events in the target organ. In the Biostimulation/Analgesia protocol, the biological interactions of the diode laser light with the chromophores catalysing oxidative phosphorylation and cellular ATP synthesis processes were described as a necessary basis for the initiation of reparative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory processes. The tissue affected by a pathological event needs sufficient energy sources to programme the necessary steps for tissue repair processes. Energy is provided by oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs within the mitochondrial respiratory cycle and requires oxygen and energy extracted from macromolecules such as glucose to synthesise ATP and H2O. The action of Luxyvet Laser takes place at the level of a specific dehydrogenase for NADH and at the level of the mitochondrial membrane with Cytochrome A/A3, by optical absorption linked to the presence of heme, and which catalyses the transport of electrons during oxidative phosphorylation from the orbital state to the nucleotide. The role of diode laser light on inflammatory processes is crucial, with a vasodilating action on vascular endothelial cells, favouring the channeling of white blood cells that adhere to the vessels of the injured tissue. Luxyvet Laser stimulates the production of NO, Nitric Oxide, a free radical that produces bacterial necrosis and stimulates cellular respiration in the injured area, leading to a vasodilating effect on the lymphatic system with a rapid reduction in edema. In 2007, LIM W et al. showed that diode laser radiation produces a decrease in the concentration of cyclooxygenase (COX) and PGE in inflamed tissue, also acting on the conductivity of amyelinated C-type nerve fibers, lowering the excitability threshold of the pain stimulus. Other research, such as that of Hamblin et al. (Harvard and MIT) confirms that diode laser radiation can decrease the concentration of cytokines, interleukin 1 and 6 and TNF alpha, buffering the effects of osteoclasts and thus favouring the synthesis of new bone matrix into defects, increasing osteocyte synthesis through osteoblastic stimulation.

Red/Demodectic mange

Demodectic Mange is a disease caused by a mite called Demodex Canis. It predominantly affects dogs and is not contagious to humans or other animals except in particular conditions of immunosuppression. The contagion occurs from the mother to the puppies which can transform, without pathological manifestations, into healthy carriers. The mite completes its life cycle inside the hair bulb and can cause skin rashes, alopecia, pustular-crusted lesions and itching. For resolution, medical therapy can be combined with 810nm diode laser therapy, to sterilize the affected skin areas, to reduce inflammation and create physiological analgesia and with photobiostimulation to trigger tissue healing processes.

Sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptic mange is also defined as canine scabies, a parasitic skin disease of canines and foxes, although it can be transmitted to other animals such as pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, chamois and ibex et al, including horses by direct contact with animals colonized by the Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. It manifests itself with intense itching which over time becomes irrepressible, both due to direct damage to the skin and due to the state of hypersensitivity triggered by contact with the antigenic material of the parasite. The lesions affect the belly and head region of the animal and in particular the auricles, the periocular region, the limbs, the abdomen and the thorax. The lesions produced by the mite are scale-like and papule-crusted, which can transform into secondary lesions such as erosions, alopecia and bacterial complications.


The sesamoids are two bones present on the posterior portion of the fetlock, fundamental for the sliding of the suspensory ligament and for the stabilization of the joint itself. Sometimes the sesamoids can be affected by an inflammatory state that causes acute forms of pain in the horse, with frequent involvement of the branches of the suspensory ligament of the fetlock, causing a pathology affecting the bone and ligament tissue. The inflammation particularly affects racing and competition horses, subjected to continuous workloads and strain on the suspensory ligament of the fetlock. Sometimes they are to remember, even anatomical causes, with pathological conformation of the limb. Sesamoiditis can produce severe forms of pain and pronounced lameness due to the presence of highly innervated tissue in the anatomical site. The clinician, together with rehabilitative therapies, and possibly medical therapy, can use the 810nm diode laser for the biological effects of the infrared radiation which are exerted on the patient with the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and triggering effects of the reparative processes.

Analgesic Therapy

Scientific publications have shown that the wavelength of diode laser radiation can interact with the myelin sheath of Schwann cells in the soft tissue, causing an in situ release of acetylcholine and serotonin and a drastic decrease in prostaglandins. The 'natural' analgesic effect of the diode laser allows the clinician to use the anesthetic sporadically. It is evident that, considering the interaction and great affinity between light radiation and pigmented tissues rich in hemoglobin and melanin, the use of vasoconstrictors is useless and counterproductive in specific clinical conditions using the laser at low powers, because it would slow down its cutting and vaporizing capacity.


It is a dermatophytosis, a disease that can affect various animals (horses, dogs, cats and others) and the human species, and is caused by a fungal infection. In horses, it represents 8% of cases diagnosed in dermatology, and is favored by the presence of keratinophilic and keratolytic pathogenic fungi, which stagnate on the animal's skin, hair and nails. It causes itching, alopecia, dandruff on the horse's skin and is easily transmissible to other animals and humans (zoonosis). The pathology is diagnosed through microscopic examination of the hair, cytological examination and a possible biopsy. The 810nm diode laser can be used in the treatment of this zoonotic pathology due to its sterilizing, anti-inflammatory and bio-regenerative effects, thanks to the application of LLLT.


Vasculitis is an inflammatory disease of the blood vessels, and manifests itself with small hemorrhagic lesions of the skin on the peripheral parts such as the tip of the ears and tail of the animal. The etiopathogenesis can be of infectious and parasitic origin, linked to pathologies that trigger immune-mediated effects or drug hypersensitivity. In the case of infectious and parasitic vasculitis, the clinician can use the 810nm diode laser with therapeutic success, due to the sterilizing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and triggering of the reparative processes properties, intrinsic to the light emitted by that wavelength. In the case of non-infectious vasculitis, linked to systemic and immune pathologies, the diode laser must be associated with the medical therapies necessary for clinical resolution.



Arthritis is defined as an inflammation of joints and may involve one or more joints in an acute or chronic form. Different forms of arthritis include rheumatoid, gouty, septic, psoriatic and reactive. Its distinguishing signs are pain, joint edema with stiffness and related symptoms such as fever. Arthritis can be treated with Luxyvet Laser by exploiting the therapeutic properties of LLLT (laser therapy). Extensive scientific literature, from the 1960s onwards, demonstrates that diode laser radiation catalyses reparative processes by increasing ATP production, through oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, it increases the transformation of osteoblasts into osteocytes by blocking the resorption action of osteoclasts, it has an anti-inflammatory action by lowering the concentration of cytokines, Interleukins 1 and 6, TNF alpha, Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandins.


It is a pathology due to the wear and tear as well as the ageing of joints. It affects the locations most stressed by load, such as the spine, hip, knee, and can also affect the carpus, metacarpus, spur, phalanges in the forelimb, and the tarsus, metatarsus and finger bones of the pelvic limb in the hind limb. The most common associated symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain, joint stiffness and limitation, caused by a deterioration of the cartilage, which, over time, loses its elasticity with increased friction between the bony surfaces within a joint. A related symptomology involves inflammation of the tendons and joint ligaments, which produces even acute pain sensations. The use of Luxyvet Laser can determine, in the case of arthrosis, an analgesic effect, by direct mediation, influencing the concentration of the neurotransmitters responsible for algic transmission, with membrane de-polarisation at the level of the myelin sheaths, and an effective anti-inflammatory action due to direct interaction on the mediators involved such as cytokines, interleukins and Tnf alpha.


The contracture condition appears as a stiffening, without muscle injury, and may be associated with continuous pain along with functional limitations. The symptoms, which may also be neuralgic with paraesthesias and tingling are rare. The therapeutic application of  Luxyvet Laser has, as already shown with other clinical conditions, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that leads to a rapid disappearance of symptoms. Traumas to the muscular system that are treated with Luxyvet Laser  evolve with reduced recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical progression. In the case of minor injuries such as a contracture, the recovery time is faster with a remarkable clinical and diagnostic follow-up.


A contusion is often related to a direct trauma that does not compromise the integrity of the affected tissue districts, and is caused by compression of soft parts. Contusive trauma can be classified into three grades. The first is characterised by the presence of ecchymosis, the second by the presence of haematomas and the third by skin necrosis that evolves towards the formation of an ulcer with the presence of febrile symptoms. The use of Luxyvet Laser with the application of photobiostimulation allows a rapid resolution of the traumatic event due to the combined action of analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect. The bio-optical stimulation of fibroblasts and subsequent proliferation and migration induces rapid healing of the tissue affected by the contusion. Hamblin et al in 2007 demonstrate increased SMA and photobiostimulation-induced analgesic effects following diode laser irradiation of injured tissue. Recall how the evidence of analgesic activity with Luxyvet Laser occurs on injured tissue and not on healthy tissue. Scientific literature has verified that diode laser radiation acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyperpolarising effect on myelin sheaths, which renders the receptor stimulus ineffective.

Road nail

They are lesions produced by nails or other foreign bodies on the plantar aspect of the horse's foot. The infection caused by the foreign body can evolve rapidly especially if it penetrates deep into the tissues, and must be removed as soon as possible to avoid harmful consequences such as those caused by tetanus. Even during horse shoeing, nailing can cause a deep lesion caused by a nail intended to hold the shoe to the hoof. The use of the 810nm diode laser, together with anti-tetanus prophylaxis and systemic antibiotic therapy, is very effective, during the removal of the foreign body, to sterilize the wound in depth and, with the subsequent photobiostimulation, rapidly trigger the reparative processes.


The intervertebral disc consists of the nucleus pulposus and the annulus fibrosus. As time progresses, there is a progressive degeneration of the disc that coincides with a reduction of the water content in the nucleus pulposus. This change in water concentration can lead to the appearance of structural disorders such as a decrease in disc height volume, invagination and fissuring of the fibers of the outer fibrous annulus, with the formation of hyper-vascularised granulation tissue and scar tissue. It has been shown that the mechanical-pressure stresses cause less crushing and enlargement of the undamaged disc than the degenerated one and that the degenerated disc will not completely regain its initial thickness once the load is removed. The therapeutic treatment with Luxyvet Laser is aimed at achieving an anti-inflammatory and antalgic effect in depth and a bio-stimulation that produces vasodilatation in the lymphatic system and neo-angiogenesis in order to alleviate the compression effects.

Muscle Distraction

This is a serious injury that causes the rupture of certain muscle fibers, usually caused by sudden and excessive strain. This clinical condition can be referred to, depending on the severity, as a Grade I, II or III tear. When it occurs the affected muscle should be immobilised and the animal should avoid loading the limb. Cold compresses should be applied as early as possible. Traumas to the muscular system treated with Luxyvet Laser  evolve with short recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical progression. The indications for the use of Luxyvet Laser foresee treatment up to grade III distractive injuries with longer recovery times on average in the presence of severe injuries (on average less than 45 days). Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic radiographic examinations are necessary to assess the clinical progression of the animal.


Edema is a clinical condition that results in the retention of lymphatic fluid (dropsy) in the animal with subsequent accumulation in the tissues. The causes can be many and include muscle or tendon injuries or trauma, infections, allergies, kidney, liver, heart, thyroid disease, hormonal and pressure imbalances. The milder forms tend to regress spontaneously, but a fundamental therapeutic aid comes from the use of the diode laser, whose action is performed not by thermal increase but by modification of the cellular energy level. The cells of the target organ, of the anatomic district affected by the edema, are induced, by the light of Luxyvet Laser, to change the state transition of peripheral electrons into orbitals, at a higher energy level. These changes represent the primary effects of Luxyvet Laser radiation on energy-catalysing chromophores such as Cytochrome-C oxidase, NADH, Superoxide desmutase, photoreceptor proteins such as Enkephalopsins and endogenous Porphyrins. Photobiostimulation leads to the rapid triggering of reparative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory processes. DG-8 VET stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide (NO), a free radical capable of causing bacterial necrosis and stimulating cellular respiration (via mitochondrial respiratory chains). The injured tissue shows edema due to liquid exudation, which causes compression that maintains a high pain threshold in the injured area. Luxyvet Laser causes vasodilatation in the lymphatic system with an early reduction in the edema. At a molecular level, scientific literature has verified that diode laser light, on inflamed and edematous organic areas, causes a decrease in Cyclooxygenase (COX) and Prostaglandins PGE and PGF, producing an inhibitory cascade effect on edema and pain.


Haematoma results from a traumatic injury that, without causing laceration of the epidermis, causes compression with infiltration and collection of blood within the underlying soft tissue and rupture of vessels with muscle infiltration. For this clinical eventuality the use of Luxyvet Laser is recommended for its haemostatic-coagulative properties, due to the high selectivity of its wavelength for hemoglobin, and for the mechanisms of action of photobiostimulation on organ repair processes. The tissue affected by a pathological event needs sufficient energy sources to trigger the reparative processes. Energy is provided by oxidative phosphorylation produced within the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which is necessary for ATP production. The action of the Luxyvet Laser takes place at the charge of a specific dehydrogenase for NADH, promoting the passage of peripheral electrons from the substrate to the nucleotide. Specifically, Luxyvet Laser interacts with cytochrome A/A3, which consists of proteins with an iron-protoporphyrin group similar to hemoglobin. Recent literature shows that ATP synthesised as a result of photo-biostimulation shows a considerable quantitative increase and this results in the catalysing of cellular and tissue repair processes on the site of injury.


Hygroma is a serous fluid-filled sac encapsulated within fibrous connective tissue. It is commonly found in the vicinity of the olecranon, a bony protrusion of the terminal portion of the ulna, in the elbow joint. It is characterised by an inflammatory condition that over time can develop into a fibrous connective sac filled with synovial fluid. It appears as a globular, fluctuating, edematous swelling, which can turn into a compact mass as the inflammatory process progresses. The use of Luxyvet Laser with the photo-biostimulation protocol allows the practicing clinician to obtain an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, leading to a resolution of symptoms during the early stages of the disease. Even in the animal with a chronic disease state, the radiation of Luxyvet Laser is effective in stabilising and improving symptoms and alleviating pain.

Laminite o Podophlemmatite

Laminitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot, and in severe cases it can cause the laminae to detach from the podalic bone. The inflammation causes gait disturbances and affects the dorsal wall of the hooves. Horses affected by laminitis walk in a forced way that they appear to be on tenterhooks. The causes are many and can be related to a diet rich in carbohydrates, prolonged work on rough terrain, overweight, neglected infections, drug intoxication and others. Thanks to the intrinsic biological properties of the infrared radiation, the 810nm diode laser determines an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic action on the soft tissues involved in the pathological event, triggering the healing processes. The clinician can combine laser therapy with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in the acute phase, and can decide to combine calorie intake control and recommend a diet rich in fiber with essential vitamins and minerals and low in sugars and starches . It is also advisable to soak the hay and use mature hay instead of fresh hay. It is important to encourage movement and gait of the horse by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and excessive forage intake.

Muscle injuries

The clinician must assess the importance of a drastically shortened biological recovery time on trauma patients with muscle injuries. But it is precisely with regard to rapid recovery that he/she must have appropriate assessments, and pay particular attention to the aid of available diagnostic investigations. It is essential that we do not limit ourselves to an improvement or disappearance of painful symptoms. The clinician has a deontological need to verify and certify that the clinical picture and prognosis are linked to complete remission of the pathology.

Luxyvet Laser with the help of the de-focalised handpiece determines an immediate reduction of the painful symptomatology that is accompanied by a favourable remission, from a prognostic point of view, of the clinical picture. The technical and clinical choice of not using the spacer allows the clinician to change the distance of the beam from the lesion at their discretion, modifying its penetration into the tissue and creating hyper-focalised (approaching the skin) or defocalised (moving away from the skin) photon beams. The irradiation time, which can be assessed by the clinician depending on the pathological condition of the animal, is on average three to four minutes per field. These parameters allow the laser beam to reach the injured tissues in depth, avoiding surgical aid in the first instance. The clinical advantage of using Luxyvet Laser is the reduced recovery time compared to traditional therapies. The clinical practitioner must rely not only on the verification of clinical evidence but also on specific diagnostic investigations to objectify the true evolution of the pathology. Traumas affecting the muscular system treated with Luxyvet Laser evolve with reduced recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical course.

Tendon injuries

Together with acute injuries such as tendon rupture (for which surgical treatment is required), there are chronic forms such as tendinopathies. This pathology is disabling and is often caused by an overload to which the animal's locomotive system is subjected. These injuries can be treated with a favourable prognosis with the help of Luxyvet Laser . Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic radiographic examinations are necessary to assess the clinical progression of the animal. Tendon injuries treated with Luxyvet Laser evolve with short recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical progression.

Acute / Chronic Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis in animals is a common and widespread condition. It is characterised by progressive degeneration at the joint level, accompanied by painful sensations and with progressive limitation of the mobility of the affected joint. Damage to the cartilage and surrounding tissues is evident in the progression, with edema and stiffness upon awakening or in the absence of activity. The symptoms subside when the animal becomes active again and the joint is put back into motion. As a substitute for therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Luxyvet Laser can carry out an effective anti-inflammatory and antalgic treatment for this pathological condition, as highlighted in the previous paragraphs, in association with physio kinesitherapy sessions. The diode laser enables a satisfactory clinical recovery with respect to traditional therapeutic schemes, and with the application of LLLT there is effective joint stabilisation.


Osteochondritis is an inflammatory pathology that affects bone and cartilaginous tissue during the growth period, in juvenile age, especially in dogs, and involves the joint of the head of the humerus, the femoral condyles, the tarsus, the sacrum and mandible. In the initial stages it manifests itself with a deficit in the production of sub-cartilaginous bone by the articular cartilage and with its own increase in the volume and thickness of the chondrocytes which leads to cell death. Biostimulation with the 810nm diode laser determines, in addition to the known analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, an increase in the production of osteocytes from osteoblasts, inhibiting the overproduction of osteoclasts. Infrared radiation at 670 and 810nm determines a balancing dynamic between cells and matrix, in tissues, including bone, catalyzing the production of protein molecules defined as matricellular, such as Periostin, TGF alpha, BMP-2 (growth factors) and HSP 70, fundamental for the triggering of organ and tissue reparative processes. A diet with constant control of the calories absorbed by the animal is of fundamental importance for the prevention of this pathological condition. The certain diagnosis evaluated with radiographic means such as MRI, CT, arthroscopy. In an articulated therapeutic strategy, together with PRP, stem or pluripotential cells, the action of the diode laser speeds up bone regeneration processes, as vast revised Literature has demonstrated.

Navicular pathology

It is an inflammation that affects the last distal interphalangeal joint of the horse's foot, including other anatomical parts such as the navicular bone, the podotrochlear bursa of the navicular and the deep digital flexor, together with the sesamoid ligaments and the distal annular ligament. The structures affected by the navicular pathology can undergo degenerative changes of the subchondral bone, erosions, adhesions that inhibit walking. Not easy to diagnose, this inflammation causes a less raised limb with incomplete extension of the knee joint during the horse's gait. The causes of the disease are unknown although strenuous exercise such as show jumping could explain it.

The 810nm diode laser allows with repeated applications of photobiostimulation and medical therapy, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that can produce a rapid disappearance of the symptoms on the joint affected by the inflammation.

Putrefaction of the hoof

It is characterized by an inflammation and infection of the frog which tends over time, if not treated, to ulcerate, with softening of the corneal substance and a foul-smelling sputum coming out of the podovillous tissue. If left untreated, this condition can lead to so-called frog cancer. Prevention, implementing frequent cleaning measures on the hooves and the box, and the shoeing entrusted to expert personnel, is of fundamental importance to avoid this clinical condition for the horse.

The 810nm diode laser, integrated with medical therapy, allows effective decontamination of the tissue affected by the pathological event with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action which leads to a rapid restitutio-ad-integrum.


It is a pathology that can cause disabling clinical conditions in horses, which when affected show a stiff gait, the presence of muscle cramps, pain of varying degrees and a reluctance to walk during light or moderate exercise. This condition is also observable after prolonged efforts or long-term transfers. The diagnosis is validated on clinical signs and by the increased presence of muscle enzymes in serum, such as CK (creatina kinase), LDH (lactic dehydrogenase), and AST (aspartate aminotransferase). In addition to the symptoms already described, conditions of intense sweating, dehydration, intense pain and dark urine rich in organic substances can occur. For the prevention of this clinical condition, the planning of the workload and of a diet compatible with supporting intense physical activity are of fundamental importance. In case the clinician should show pain and inflammation for the horse affected by rhabdomyolysis, he can effectively use the 810nm diode laser, for a supportive therapy and for the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the infrared radiation.


It is a contusion of the sole, heels and other parts of the foot and manifests itself with hematomas and blood transudation in the corneal substance, and sometimes suppurations and abscess formations can occur. The main causes of the contusion are to be ascribed to the presence of uneven and stony ground or from badly positioned or unsuitable shoes for the horse. The 810nm diode laser for this clinical condition determines immediate coagulation on blood losses, decontamination and tissue biostimulation.


It is a degenerative disease of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Arthrosis of the spine produces morphological changes in the intervertebral discs, joint cavities and uncovertebral joints. Symptoms consist of pain, stiffness as well as frequent walking difficulties. As a result of nerve root compression, the pain may be reflex, radiating with paraesthesias with reduced osteo-tendon reflexes. The treatment protocol for spondyloarthrosis involves the use of Luxyvet Laser in conjunction with combination therapies. The antalgic and anti-inflammatory effect of the diode laser described in the previous paragraphs leads to a relief of painful symptoms with an important reduction of inflammation, thus slowing down the evolutionary process.

Muscle Strain

Muscle strain, defined as elongation, is a mild to moderate muscle injury with overstretching of one or more muscles, resulting in haematoma due to rupture of small vessels. The clinical advantages of diode laser radiation, which produces a catalytic effect on reparative processes with LLLT, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and with rapid recovery times, have been highlighted in the previous paragraphs.

Woodworm or nail mycosis

Onychomycosis is an infectious fungal form caused by the Achorion Keratophagus which creeps into the cracks of the hoof causing fragility and infection of the nail. The 810nm diode laser in this particular clinical condition is used to decontaminate the infected area and with the subsequent photobiostimulation, to trigger the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects which produce a rapid resolution of the pathology.

Acute tendinopathies

An acute tendinopathies is described when edema and inflammation are observed with possible partial or complete rupture of the tendon. Major tendinopathies include insertional tendinopathies, tenosynovitis, peritendonitis, tendinosis with involvement of the osteo-tendon junction. Together with acute injuries such as tendon rupture (for which surgical treatment is required), acute cases with massive inflammation and edema occur. The effects of biostimulation (LLLT) of Luxyvet Laser can promote an important functional recovery of the inflamed tendon, with a favourable prognosis, without having to resort to frequent doses of NSAIDs.

Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic radiographic examinations are necessary to assess the clinical progress of the animal.

Chronic tendinopathy

Pathology caused, in most cases, by a functional overload that determines long-lasting degenerative phenomena. Along with acute injuries such as tendon rupture (for which surgical treatment is necessary) there are forms with a chronic evolution such as tendinopathies. This pathology is disabling and is often caused by an overload to which the animal's locomotor system is subjected. These lesions can be treated with a favorable prognosis thanks to the help of Luxyvet Laser. Pre- and post-treatment radiographic examinations are necessary to evaluate the clinical course of the animal. The photobiostimulation and analgesia effect of Luxyvet Laser accelerates the biochemical, molecular and cellular events in the target organ. The action is not carried out by thermal increase but by a consequent modification of the cellular energy level. The cells of the target organ are induced, by the Luxyvet Laser radiation, to change their electronic state, with the change of state of peripheral electrons in orbitals, to a higher energy level. In particular, they are involved during photobiostimulation of chromophores catalysts such as cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH), superoxide desmutase (SOD), photoreceptive proteins such as endogenous porphyrins and periostin, inducing an increase in the synthesis of ATP, fuel needed for all metabolic processes. The activation of the catalyst chromophores leads to the secondary effects of cellular stimulation, a necessary condition for the reparative processes and the analgesic effects induced by photobiostimulation. Traumas affecting the tendon system treated with Luxyvet Laser evolve with reduced recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical course.

General traumatology

The Luxyvet Laser diode laser can be used in traumatology following the pre-set protocol. Especially for muscle injuries (contusion, haematoma, muscle crush, contracture, strain, muscle tear), acute tendon injuries (ruptures or insertional bone avulsion) and chronic injuries (tendinopathies), acute joint injuries (sprain, dislocation), ligamentous injuries, cartilage injuries and bone injuries (fractures, microfractures, periostitis).

Ultrasound assessment is performed before and after laser treatment to monitor the treatment process.

Trigger Point

The Trigger point therapy technique is used for the treatment of muscle injuries. Trigger points or trigger points represent a frequent symptomatology in both the human and animal species, and the symptom, as defined by Travell and Simons, can be described as a painful myofascial syndrome. It is manifested by the presence of deep, well-defined pain within a localised muscle contracture, sometimes with evidence of scar tissue caused by prolonged muscle contracture producing edema and tissue hypoxia. The Trigger may involve the cell endings of the nervous system, causing membrane de-polarisation in the myelin sheaths, with increased pain sensitivity that may become chronic. The use of the diode laser results in a physiological analgesic effect induced by decreasing the concentration of neurotransmitters responsible for pain transmission, and an effective anti-inflammatory action in influencing the concentration of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and TNF alpha.



It is a tumor that originates from epithelial cells, characterized by a poor infiltrative and metastatic power. Before evaluating and choosing the therapeutic route, a certain diagnosis with cytological examinations and biopsies is essential. For the excision of adenomatous neoformations, surgery with the 810nm diode laser represents a choice of choice for the surgeon.

Basocellular Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is seen as a slow-growing superficial papular or nodular neoplasm derived from epidermal cells. This carcinoma arises from keratinocytes near the basal layer. Metastasis is rare but in situ growth can be destructive to the involved tissues. The final diagnosis is made with the biopsy. Frequent in cats (15-26%), less in dogs with an incidence around 4-12%. The elective seats are the head, neck, trunk and limbs. If evaluated, as a therapeutic approach, the surgical removal carried out with the diode laser is a conservative practice as already highlighted in other applications which will be followed, at the end of the intervention, by photobiostimulation to induce rapid regenerative effects on the treated tissue.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a neoplasm that manifests itself with crusted lesions in the hypopigmented areas of the nose, ear fins and medial canthus of the eye which represent the areas most exposed to UVA and UVB rays. The risk of developing this pathology is more frequent in cats with a white coat even if it is not infrequently found also on coats of a color other than white, especially in areas not covered by hair and it is the second most common type of tumor in horses. To confirm the diagnosis, the clinician can carry out the biopsy examination, and in the shortest possible time to ensure a more favorable outcome.


Benign tumor affecting the cellular portion of the epidermal hoof wall. The most common symptom that highlights this pathology is the horse's ambulatory instability and is associated with concomitant pain. It is always preferable to diagnose the pathology, prescribe an X-ray or an MRI, but proceed, for the definitive diagnosis, to the histological examination of the excised tissue. To treat keratoma, complete surgical removal of the crown bone is performed. The 810nm diode laser is used, during the removal of keratoacanthoma, in symbiosis with traditional instruments, to decontaminate, coagulate, disinflame the surgical areas and with post-surgical photobiostimulation, trigger rapid tissue regeneration.

Solar keratosis

Overexposure to solar radiation can cause numerous biological effects on the skin of mammals, such as the onset of tumors that differentiate into squamous cells: keratosis and actinic squamous cell carcinoma. We remind you that UVB radiation between 200 and 400nm is carcinogenic. After defining the pathology with a certain diagnosis, the therapeutic form of choice, during the initial phase, and for superficial lesions (depth <0.5 cm) in the case of actinic keratosis and squamous carcinoma, is the photodynamic one. The cytotoxic action is linked to the activation of a photosensitizing agent by a radiation with specific wavelengths. The photosensitizer (5-aminolevulinic acid) is injected intravenously or left in situ on the lesion for 3 hours, which is irradiated by a 650nm and 810nm light. The resulting photochemical reaction determines the formation of toxic Reactive Species (ROS) based on singlet oxygen, responsible for cellular apoptosis on cancer cells. The advantages of this therapy are linked to the absence of systemic toxicity, the possibility of repeating the treatment in case of recurrence, the combination with other types of treatment and the favorable therapeutic evolution from 75 to 100% of the cases treated.

General surgery

The use of the diode laser in numerous pathologies of the oral cavity has proven to be irreplaceable as it offers numerous advantages from a clinical point of view compared to traditional systems.

In particular, laser treatment results in less tissue damage, excellent coagulation with an excellent view of the surgical field, a post-operative course with reduced oedema and predictable healing. The small radius of action of the laser radiation significantly reduces the risk of instrument trauma. An electrosurgical instrument causes minimal tissue damage affecting around 400 cell layers, whereas the conventional scalpel causes at least 200, both accompanied by intracellular hemorrhage. The Luxyvet Laser diode laser, on the other hand, limits itself to 2-6 cell layers with perfect coagulation and a bactericidal action of undoubted clinical advantage. The light radiation catalyses tissue healing time and does not cause muscle fasciculation.


The hemostatic-coagulative property of diode laser radiation is due to the high affinity of its wavelength with hemoglobin. This ability can be exploited in order to control bleeding resulting from maneuvers induced by traditional instruments. This property is of fundamental importance for the clinician who has to intervene on patients treated with antiplatelet agents.

Pedunculated fibroma

Fibroma is characterized by a reactive hyperplasia of the connective tissue usually located in the buccal mucosa, tongue and palate. Diode laser treatment allows for rapid excision of the fibroid (ensuring extension beyond the margins), with perfect hemostasis and often without the use of anesthetics.


The ability of diode laser light radiation to decontaminate and reduce bacterial colonies in a logarithmic manner allows the clinician to intervene in difficult situations with rapid application times.

The intervention protocol for a cutaneous fistulous apical periodontitis demonstrates that this type of pathology can be treated with an endodontic session.

Epithelial hyperchromia

In the case of gingival hyperchromia, the clinician must establish a correct diagnosis that excludes the presence of potentially malignant formations in the epithelium.

The most frequently encountered gingival hyperchromia are lesions caused by a concentration, beyond the physiological limit, of melanin within the gingival epithelium. They can appear in a flat morphology with a blue to dark brown colouration. Single or multiple, they are found on the lips, gingival mucosa and palate.

Venous Lake

On the anatomical-pathological level and on the basis of the nosographic classification, it is necessary to distinguish immature hemangiomas (tuberous, subcutaneous and mixed) from vascular lesions proper

(capillaries, arteriovenous, lymphatic, venous and systemic). In fact, the same name is often given to different lesions, creating confusion as regards the pathophysiology and clinical treatment.

The use of the diode laser in vascular anomalies has allowed a considerable progress in treatment techniques with results not achievable with traditional instruments.

The interaction and the great affinity between the light radiation of the diode laser and the tissue chromophores allow the clinician to operate on a decontaminated and clearly visible operating field with early healing times and in the absence of post-surgical results.

Vascular lesions: Hemangiomas

On an anatomo-pathological level and according to the nosographic classification, a distinction must be made between immature hemangiomas (tuberous, subcutaneous and mixed) and vascular lesions proper (capillary, arterial-venous, lymphatic, venous and systemic). In fact, different lesions are often given the same name, creating confusion with regard to pathophysiology and clinical treatment.

The use of the diode laser in vascular anomalies has enabled considerable progress in treatment techniques with results that could not be achieved with traditional instruments.

The interaction and high affinity between the light radiation of the diode laser and tissue chromophores allow the clinician to operate on a decontaminated and clearly visible surgical field with early healing times and no post-surgical outcomes.


Mastocytoma is a tumor that originates from mast cells, cells involved in anaphylactic, allergic and hypersensitivity reactions and which release vasoactive substances such as histamine and serotonin in conditions of inflammation. It is a tumor characterized by a diversified biology, with localized forms, sometimes benign, and appearing as a metastatic pathology. It represents the most common skin neoplasm in dogs with an incidence of around 15-21% compared to other skin tumors, with development in the regions of the trunk, perineal, limbs, neck and head. Sometimes metastases are found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lungs, bone marrow and soft tissue of the oral cavity. The histological grade becomes the most important prognostic factor, because the less aggressive mast cell tumors are treated with exclusive surgery, while the more invasive ones, after surgery, must be treated with medical therapies.


It is a collection of blood in the auricular fin of cats and dogs and is visible to the clinician with a subcutaneous edema which tends, over time, to cause acute pain in the auricle and, subsequently, otitis. The primary cause of otohematoma is traumatic in origin. The therapy, in most cases, is to associate medical therapy and surgery. The 810nm diode laser is an important tool to deal with such a clinical eventuality. It allows the clinician to surgically drain the lesion, disinflaming it in hemostasis and sterilizing it effectively, subsequently applying LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) with a therapeutic handpiece to determine the triggering of tissue healing processes with stimulation, through the accelerated synthesis of ATP, of collagen and elastin, involving matricellular molecules such as Periostin, TGF-beta and BMP-2.

Papilloma Peduncolato

Papillomas in dogs, cats and other animal species are frequent cutaneous tumor forms. They can present themselves, at the first observation, in a benign form which can evolve into a malignant form or become chronic. Their origin is mainly associated with the presence of the papilloma virus and they appear in a recognizable form with a mass raised with respect to the skin, in different areas and morphologies. Sometimes, if localized on the foot, it can appear in an encysted form that requires a deep excision with respect to the skin plane.


Benign tumor that develops from the hair matrix. It can be observed in dogs and in particular in Kerry blue terriers and poodles, while it is rare in cats. It manifests itself with an intradermal, non-mobile mass and with alopecia on the shoulder, sides, back and limbs.


Sarcoid is a benign, non-metastatic cutaneous neoplasm, more frequent in horses, donkeys, mules, of fibroblastic origin, with different localization, responsible for aesthetic and functional damage. Molecular biology has shown that the etiological agent responsible for sarcoid is the Papilloma virus. After the histological diagnosis, the sarcoid can be removed with the 810nm diode laser and thanks to its haemostatic, decontaminating, analgesic cutting action, it produces a rapid surgical excision, often without opposing sutures. The subsequent post-surgical biostimulation with the 810nm diode laser determines rapid tissue regeneration and, as verified on herpetic lesions, a drastic reduction for recurrences.


It is a benign tumor of epithelial origin. In veterinary literature we can find a vast verification of tumors of follicular origin such as Trichoblastoma. Abraham et al. in 1999 they verified, out of 898 bioptic findings, that follicular neoplasms represented 8% of all those diagnosed and 26% were actually trichoblastomas affecting domestic felines. It is also quite common in the canine species and is evidenced by an exophytic neoformation, usually alopecia, on the head and neck. After formulating a certain diagnosis, the clinician can surgically remove it with the 810nm diode laser.


Tumor that affects cats (1-4%) and dogs (1-3%) and originates from all 3 portions of the hair follicle. It generally affects adult animals, manifesting itself with intradermal nodules and papules located on the head, neck, paws, tail of the cat, thorax, loins and limbs in the dog. With a certain frequency, the cystic variant can also be observed, characterized by the presence of keratin.

Nasal Turbinates

The nasal turbinates are bony structures located inside the nasal passages, covered by mucous membrane with an extensive network of capillaries. Their primary function is to filter and balance the inspired air. Due to particular anatomical conditions, such as in brachycephalic animals, or due to allergic events, chemical, bacterial, viral and other types of stress, the turbinates can change in size and create conditions that can become chronic over time, as a response to reactive stimuli with consequent respiratory distress. Hypertrophy causes edema of the respiratory mucosa which can also lead to forms of severe dyspnoea. In the case of chronic and stable hypertrophy over time, the clinician can evaluate, after a thorough diagnosis, surgical therapy with the use of the 810nm diode laser which allows a minimally invasive turbinectomy in hemostasis and tissue conservation, for the removal of a few cellular layers, compared to an operation with traditional surgical instruments.

Warts and Condylomas

The wart is a proliferative neoformation of the epidermis. It usually appears in the form of a rounded relief with a variable diameter. It is covered with keratinous cells with an elective site at the thoracic level and not infrequently found on the limbs and face. The verruca vulgaris, of viral origin (HPV), is usually located on the back and legs. The diode laser enables the neoformation to be eradicated in a very short time.



Adenocarcinoma is a tumor that can affect various organs, developing from the glandular tissue present in the various organic districts, such as the pulmonary, gastric, endometrial, pancreas, colon, breast and others such as the paranal sacs present in both dogs and cats and surrounded by fibers of the sphincter muscle, external to the anus. Among the tumor forms, the most common is the apocrine adenocarcinoma of the paranal sinus, frequent in dogs and very rare in cats. Diagnosis is based on clinical observation with digital rectal exploration, in-depth radiographic examinations, fine needle aspiration and cytological examination. The certain diagnosis always derives from the histological examination with a biopsy that the clinician can obtain with laser surgery, and the possible surgical removal of the primary tumor and the locoregional lymph nodes involved, as well as pharmacological, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For the surgical removal of adenocarcinoma of the apocrine glands, the use of the diode laser is foreseen, to be preferred over the excision techniques with traditional instruments, such as the cold blade scalpel (adjuvant on ischemic tissue) and the electrosurgery. for the intrinsic properties of light radiation with a wavelength of 810nm, which are expressed with the analgesic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory, conservative effects for the removed tissue, and for the subsequent triggering, with photobiostimulation, of the reparative processes, which induce the production accelerated recovery of collagen and elastin, and often without opposition of stitches by the clinician and healing by secondary intention re-epithelialization of the tissue subjected to diode laser surgery.


It is a relatively frequent neoplasm, mainly located on the jaw. It is classified as a benign tumor but has a tendency to recur, and the patient must undergo systematic destructive surgery. Recent scientific acquisitions have highlighted the invasive capacity on the bone involved in ameloblastoma with a massive presence of osteoclastic activity, which would block osteogenesis, with consequent resorption of bone tissue. During the development of the disease, the researchers highlighted the presence of pro-inflammatory molecules such as TNF-alpha which, together with a family of metalloproteases, would stimulate osteoclastic metabolism. The use of the 810um diode laser, in this pathological condition, becomes effective both for the surgical operation which combines the coagulative and cutting capacity on soft tissues, but also and above all for the intrinsic anti-inflammatory property of the photobiostimulation which determines an immediate decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF-alpha, cytokines and interleukins 1alpha, 6 and 8, with a buffering effect against osteoclasts, stimulating the production of osteocytes from osteoblasts and promoting bone regeneration.

Excision biopsy in the oral cavity

The excisional surgery of neoformations of the oral mucosa (all reactive lesions up to malignant tumors) is closely linked to the size of the lesions themselves, i.e. the need or not to perform a pre-operative incisional biopsy. Even the biopsy itself is an important surgical act that can be performed with the diode laser. The excision of small growths which therefore do not require a pre-operative biopsy must be performed in a manner appropriate to the clinical suspicion of the disease, so as to have cutting margins with the 810nm diode laser both lateral and deep in the healthy tissue (at least 2-4 mm away from the main lesion). These margins must be even wider the more doubtful is the nature of the lesion being treated.

Histological examination of the specimen is required in all cases.


Epulis is a hyperplasia of the connective tissue of the gingiva or periodontium. These are lesions similar to benign tumors but are not real neoplasms. This neoformation can be easily vaporized with the aid of a laser.


The fibroma is characterised by a reactive connective tissue hyperplasia usually located in the genial mucosa, on the tongue and palate. The treatment with the diode laser enables excision of the fibroid quickly (guaranteeing extension beyond the margins), with perfect haemostasis and often without the use of anaesthetics.


Fibrosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumor of soft tissues (cutaneous and subcutaneous) and represents 15% of skin tumors in dogs, while it is more frequent in cats. The pathogenesis is still not entirely clear even if the most accredited theory indicates the transformation of a chronic inflammatory process into carcinogenesis in patients with a genetic predisposition and alteration. This type of tumor appears, in the initial stages, in the form of mobile subcutaneous nodules and without significant pain effects. Subsequently they tend to increase in volume until they ulcerate, with the presence of a pseudocapsule with poorly defined margins. The observational anamnesis is essential, like radiological examinations (CT), to prepare a conclusive histopathological diagnosis. Excisional surgery is practicable if the mass is reduced and with margins of 2-3 cm of healthy tissue. Once the surgical removal of the tumor mass has been completed, the fibrosarcoma tends to recur in 18-30% of cases but with a low metastatic potential, in dogs, while in the feline, injection-induced sarcoma is accompanied by recurrences after around 6 months 15-25% of treated cases.


Premise The action of the light radiation of the diode laser in oral surgery is very effective.

The clinical advantages of laser applications in surgery compared to traditional techniques can be summarized schematically as follows: perfect hemostasis with clear vision of the surgical field; field sterilization; minimal use of vasoconstrictive anesthetics by infiltration which, in the specific case, would lead to a lengthening of the application times; absence of sutures; healing by second intention in a short time and absence of postoperative complications; less discomfort for the patient. The pathological insertion of the frenula can cause traction ischemia and progressive vestibular recession and contribute to the persistence of a midline interincisal diastema.

Epiglottic frenulum

The epiglottic frenulum is a rare malformation of the foal's larynx which causes oro-nasal reflux and cough from the first feed. The frenulum of the epiglottis is anatomically detected by the endoscopic investigation. The foal undergoes surgery, under general anesthesia, performing the trans-oral resection of the frenulum, in laparoscopy, with the 810nm diode laser. The use of traditional instruments such as the cold-blade scalpel which eliminates on average, without coagulating, 200 cellular layers or the electro-surgery which, by removing 400-500 cellular layers, coagulates the vascular bed by necrotizing it, do not allow conservative surgery as with the laser diode. The surgical practice with the 810nm diode laser determines a vaporization of 4-5 cell layers without creating cell death by necrosis but by apoptosis. This intrinsic property is linked to the selective interaction between the 810 nm wavelength of the laser and hemoglobin, already explained in the previous paragraphs, which allows a surgical excision of the fibrous cord corresponding to the persistent epiglottic frenulum, quickly and with coagulant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The subsequent biostimulation or LLLT, with the diode laser radiation on the surgically treated frenulum epiglottis, produces a fast re-epithelialization, by secondary intention, and without suture opposition, due to the interaction between the diode laser radiation and the catalyst chromophores of oxidative phosphorylation, within the mitochondrial respiratory chains, on the cells of the gingival region subjected to surgical practice. Biostimulation will induce rapid tissue healing without pain and scarring after surgery for the patient.

Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty

Gingival hypertrophies and hyperplasia, removal of gingival tissue for aesthetic, pre-prosthetic and reconstructive reasons found in the diode laser a suitable tool for their resolution.

For gingival hypertrophies caused by pharmacological, genetic and idiopathic causes, the use of the diode laser allows fast and tissue-conserving applications that are less traumatic than conventional surgery.


Gingivitis in dogs and cats is a very widespread pathology, as in humans, and is characterized by the presence of inflammation and bleeding of the gums, caused by the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora. The clinician must intervene promptly, at the first signs, to prevent the disease from evolving into the form of periodontitis which eads to the loss of clinical attachment and alveolar bone leading to tooth loss. The use of Luxyvet Laser, as an aid to oral hygiene practices such as scaling, makes it possible to prevent and treat inflammation and bleeding with photo-biostimulation, avoiding the prescription of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Odontogenic cystic lesions

Cystic lesions of an odontogenic nature found in the mandibular and maxillary bones of the horse. In the case of odontogenic cystic lesions it is important to perform diagnostic imaging, and CT is a fundamental tool for pathological evaluation. In the event that the veterinary clinician decides for a complete exeresis, the 810nm diode laser represents the instrument of choice for carrying out conservative surgery in a bloodless operating field, and with the beneficial effects linked to the interaction between laser radiation and diode and biological tissue. At the end of the surgical exeresis treatment, the clinician uses photobiostimulation to induce rapid healing times, without negative results for the patient's clinical course.

Oral leukoplakia

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity appear as idiopathic white patches or patches of as yet an unknown nature. They present a low percentage of oncogenic risk and differ from reactive hyperkeratoses that are caused by a traumatic or irritative mucosal occurrence.


Melanoma is the second most common type of tumor in horses, and quite frequently affects gray horses over 10 years of age. It appears in irregular and raised growths in the vicinity of the anus, genitals, eyelids, mouth, lymph nodes. Apart from the form that affects the ocular site, in the other anatomical areas affected the 810nm diode laser can be used both for surgical excision and for the application of the LLLT which determines early healing times on the surgically operated anatomical parts. The 810nm diode laser, associated with the 650nm source, can also be used in photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolevulinic acid in topical application on melanocytic tumors. The active substance after 3 hours from the absorption by the melanoma cells is irradiated with the laser, causing cellular apoptosis following the synthesis of toxic reactive species (ROS) with production of singlet oxygen.


Odontoma is a benign neoplasm with odontogenic ectomesenchyma with or without formation of hard tissue (WHO Class) and with unknown etiology. In the neoplasm, the production of both enamel and dentin is detected and it is reported with a certain frequency in the horse, more rarely in the dog and cat.

Surgical dentistry

The removal of mucogingival tissue of the oral cavity, for therapeutic reasons, and connected to lesions involving the superficial epithelial layers, the deep connective, muscular and bone tissue layers, find in the 810 and 980 nm diode laser a suitable tool for their resolution.

For gingival hypertrophy determined by pharmacological, traumatic, genetic and idiopathic causes, the use of the diode laser allows for fast and tissue-conserving surgery that is less traumatic than the conventional one. The diode laser eliminates a few cell layers (5/6) during surgery, with an immediate haemostatic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, causing cell death by apoptosis without necrotizing the treated tissue.


It is a benign lesion that can colonize skin areas or locate itself in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and the origin is mainly recognized as viral. The evolution of a papilloma in animals is not very rare and can turn into malignant forms especially in patients with an inefficient immune system. For the surgical removal of the papilloma from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the use of the diode laser is foreseen, to be preferred over the excision techniques with traditional instruments, such as the cold blade scalpel and the electrosurgical scalpel, due to the intrinsic properties of the light radiation with a wavelength of 810nm, which are expressed with the analgesic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory, conservative effects for the removed tissue, and for the subsequent triggering with the photobiostimulation of the reparative processes, which induce the accelerated production of collagen and elastin, without opposition of sutures by the clinician and healing by re-epithelialization by second intention of the tissue subjected to diode laser surgery.

Viral papillomatosis

Viral papillomatosis is an infectious disease caused by the papilloma virus that predominantly affects canine species while it is quite rare in cats. Papillomas are benign tumors that can colonize different districts such as the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the skin of the animal and which, becoming chronic, can evolve into a malignant form. In the case of development on the skin, the lesion can occur in single or multiple form with variable dimensions and with a polypoid, cauliflower, raised or encysted (wart-like) morphology, especially in the lower limbs. For the surgical removal of the papilloma from the skin area, the use of the diode laser is foreseen, to be preferred over the excision techniques with traditional instruments, such as the cold blade scalpel and the electrosurgical unit, due to the intrinsic properties of the light radiation with a wavelength of 810nm, which are expressed with the analgesic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory, conservative effects for the removed tissue, and for the subsequent triggering, with photobiostimulation, of the reparative processes, which induce the accelerated production of collagen and elastin, and often without opposition of sutures by the clinician and healing by re-epithelialization by secondary intention of the tissue subjected to diode laser surgery.


It is a primary, serious disease, widespread in felines and canines. The symptoms affect the support system, the mucous membrane, and the bone tissue of the oral cavity. Periodontitis is characterised by the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora, bleeding, inflammation and bone defects in the alveolar bone. If this condition is not treated in time, it causes damage to the supporting tissue with the emergence of periodontal pockets, collapse of the periodontal ligament, a severe form of inflammation with associated pain, bone defect proceeding to alveolar osteitis and inevitable loss of the tooth element involved. Also worth mentioning is the risk of systemic diseases, such as bacterial endocarditis, diabetes, interactions with organ carcinogenesis and other recent findings from the literature reviewed. Luxyvet Laser in conjunction with regular dental scaling practices can be very helpful in the primary prevention of inflammation and treatment when present in the forms described, while avoiding the prescription of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Periodontal application with the diode laser should always be preceded by scaling (preferably in the same session). Kreisler in 2005 in the publication "Clinical efficacy of semiconductor laser application..." highlighted the efficacy of diode laser periodontal treatment for decontamination of light radiation in the pocket and for the biostimulation of fibroblasts. These features lead to a marked improvement in the epithelial attachment within just a few applications.

Many studies confirm these fundamental properties of the diode laser light radiation that enable the clinician to intervene in periodontal therapy without surgical opening of the flap.


It is among the most common pathologies affecting the oral cavity for dogs and cats. In general, stomatitis is caused by pathogenic bacterial flora that causes inflammation of the soft tissues within the oral cavity, with bleeding gums, aphthous ulcers and acute pain. Even the presence of tartar can determine the favorable habitat for bacterial colonization, especially for anaerobes GRAM- Luxyvet Laser can be used as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects, and as an aid to healing reparative processes, described in the previous paragraphs, after the animal has undergone a hygiene session.


Biostimulation / Analgesia

Photo-biostimulation/analgesia is a low-power diode laser therapy called LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy). The photo-biostimulation and analgesia effect of Luxyvet Laser accelerates biochemical, molecular and cellular events in the target organ. The action occurs not by thermal increase but by a consequent change in the cellular energy level. Cells in the target organ are induced, by the radiation of Luxyvet Laser, to change their electronic state, with peripheral electrons changing state into orbitals, to a higher energy level. Specifically involved during photo-biostimulation of the chromophores are catalysts such as cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH), superoxide desmutase (SOD), photoreceptor proteins such as endogenous porphyrins and periostin, inducing an increase in ATP synthesis, the fuel needed for all metabolic processes. The activation of catalytic chromophores leads to the secondary effects of cell stimulation, a necessary condition for the reparative processes and analgesic effects induced by photobiostimulation. Hamblin et al. (Harvard University and MIT) demonstrate how the analgesic effect of the diode laser acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyperpolarizing effect that renders the pain receptor stimulus ineffective. The biological effects of Luxyvet Laser are verifiable on tissues with pathological suffering, while there are no clinical findings on healthy tissues that cannot activate reparative processes. The aim of photo-biostimulation with Luxyvet Laser is to catalyse healing processes for effective clinical resolution.

Post-surgical biostimulation

Post-surgical photobiostimulation is irradiation with the 810nm diode laser, at low power density and called LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy), on biological tissue treated with surgical protocols. The biological effects, in the post-surgical phase, are determined by the photons at wavelengths of 810 and 670nm, produce physiological analgesia, anti-inflammation and immediate triggering of tissue repair processes. The dynamic process is not carried out by thermal increase but by a consequent modification of the cellular energy level. The cells of the target organ are induced, by the radiation of the 810nm diode laser, to change their electronic state, with the change of state of peripheral electrons in orbitals, to a higher energy level. During photobiostimulation, catalyst chromophores are involved, such as cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, Coenzyme Q, reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), photoreceptive proteins such as endogenous porphyrins, Periostin, HSP 70, inducing an increase the synthesis of ATP, a substrate necessary for all metabolic processes. The activation of the catalyst chromophores leads to cellular stimulation effects, a necessary condition for the triggering of the reparative processes and the analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects induced by photobiostimulation. Hamblin et al. (Harvard University, Massachusetts Hospital and MIT) demonstrate how the analgesic effect of the diode laser acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyperpolarizing dynamic, on the membrane, which renders the pain receptor stimulus ineffective. The anti-inflammatory effect of the 810 and 670 nm diode laser is linked to the intrinsic property of the infrared, during the irradiation of an inflamed tissue, to rapidly decrease the concentration of pro-inflammatory molecules such as cytokines, interleukins 1, 6, 8 in particular, and TNF-alpha, favoring the tissue reparative evolution. Recent researches (University of Leipzig and University of Paris), have demonstrated the ability of LLLT to stimulate the production of matricellular molecules, necessary to reconstitute a balance between cells and matrix in those tissues subjected to oxidative and thermal stress, increasing the production of HSP 70 and Periostin, both essential for tissue and organ healing processes.


Relapsing sweet itch in horses is a worldwide disease. It is a pathology based on allergies to some salivary components of insects of the genus Culicoides. The characteristic clinical sign is itching triggered by the allergic reaction, with the possible presence of crusted papules on the belly, abdomen and lower limbs. Photobiostimulation with 810nm diode laser, combined with the thermal effect used to sterilize the tissue from the pathogen, is useful for alleviating the annoying symptoms associated with this pathological form. In the case of pustules, in addition to the decontaminating effect, the diode laser radiation has an immediate anti-inflammatory action which avoids drug therapy, in many cases. Based on some environmental factors, the disease can appear between late spring and autumn.

Malassezia dermatitis

It is one of the most common dermatitis in dogs and cats, caused by a microorganism (a yeast) which usually colonizes the animal's body without symptoms. Malassezia prolific on the skin when the balance between cells, matrix and biome undergoes a dynamic contrast. This form of dermatitis is not contagious to humans. In healthy subjects, this microorganism is found throughout the skin and in particular in the ear canal, in the interdigital space, on the armpits and on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and anus. The main symptom is related to itching which causes secondary to scratching, erythema, desquamation, seborrhea and a typical rancid smell. The 810nm diode laser can be successfully used to rebalance tissue dynamics, promoting the synthesis of matricellular molecules such as Periostin, TGF-beta, BMP-2, promoting the synthesis and adhesion of fibroblasts during repair processes.

Feline Militia Dermatitis

Feline Militia Dermatitis is a fairly common disease in cats, and is defined as a form of reaction with many potential causes. The most common is linked to hypersensitivity to flea bites, but also to food and environmental allergens, to pharmacological active substances. Dermatitis can be localized or generalized and, upon observation, small papules can be highlighted in the head and neck, limbs, trunk and lumbosacral district. Lesions may also include alopecia, ulcers with skin erosions. It is essential for the clinician to evaluate, when observing the symptoms, an in-depth medical history in order to adopt a correct therapeutic strategy. All cases of miliary dermatitis should be verified by cytology, also to monitor the progress of bacterial and yeast biome infections. Precisely for this possible confirmation, the use of the 810nm diode laser can be very useful for its decontaminating properties on the bacterial flora and on any spores present, to be applied locally, together with the use of systemic antimicrobials. The subsequent application of photobiostimulation or LLLT determines the triggering of the biological effects of the infrared wavelengths of 650 and 810nm on the irradiated tissues.

Acute pains

Recent studies show that ATP synthesised following biostimulation with the diode laser shows increased kinetics compared to that formed in the absence of photo-activation. The presence of considerable amounts of energy catalyses the cellular reparative processes and the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on the tissue at the site of the lesion. Specifically, Luxyvet Laser, in tissues affected by inflammatory processes, produces a reduction in the concentration of cyclooxygenase, PGE and PGF. Prostaglandins support inflammation by enhancing edema through vasodilatation and act on the conductivity of C nerve fibers by lowering the excitation threshold, which leads to an increase in pain symptoms. COX2 inhibition induced by DG-8 VET reduces prostaglandins with an inhibitory cascade effect on edema and pain. It should be noted that during an acute pain condition, the analgesic activity of DG-8 VET is at its highest expression whereas this evidence is irrelevant on healthy tissue. The transmission of the algic stimulus for the acute pain condition is conducted by the excitation of peripheral receptors that release impulses carried within the myelinated C-fibers and in the myelinated A-fibres. The activation of nociceptors causes membrane depolarisation in the myelin sheaths of Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes. The radiation of Luxyvet Laser acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyper-polarising effect that renders the receptor stimulus ineffective even on an acute pain condition. The gate control theory led to research that verified how laser radiation can produce analgesia (SPA). Increasing the production of Enkephalins and Endorphins in spinal neurons causes the pre- and post-synaptic blockade of both fibers (A and C) involved in pain transmission.

Post-operative pains

Nociceptive sensations after surgery are a physiological condition that includes two types of post-operative pain: chronic pain, which persists more than 3 months after surgery, and acute pain, which generally persists up to 3 months after surgery. Both painful or nociceptive stimuli may occur due to tissue damage and the intensity of the pain is related to any complications that may have occurred during surgery and the type of surgical procedure. The preceding paragraphs have highlighted the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and activating properties of tissue reparative processes that lead to a rapid remission of algic symptoms.

Skin wounds

An accurate assessment of a skin wound is a prerequisite for rational treatment planning. A wound can be described as a continuous solution with or without loss of substance, skin or internal tissue, produced by various external factors, and is an expression of degenerative processes caused by inflammatory, infectious phenomena, circulatory disturbances or tissue damage due to physical or chemical causes. After checking for the presence of necrotic tissue, granulation tissue, and oozing, the clinician will debride the affected tissue portion. Luxyvet Laser is used to rapidly promote reparative processes, such as described in the Biostimulation/Analgesia section, promoting re-epithelialisation and healing without fibrous scarring. By interacting with chromophores that catalyse oxidative phosphorylation, the radiation of Luxyvet Laser accelerates the formation of ATP, the fuel needed for all metabolic processes, including the reparative one, triggered by the increased production of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts and periostin, a protein molecule that is fundamental for all organ repair processes. Periostin binds with extracellular structural molecules such as type I collagen and membrane proteins such as Integrin alpha beta3 and alpha beta 5 and influences collagen fibrillogenesis through fibroblasts. The diameter of the collagen fiber is reduced in the absence of Periostin and TGF beta1 and in this condition the presence of metalloproteinases and Interleukin-1 predominates, which increase their concentration in an inflamed environment. The action of Luxyvet Laser produces an anti-inflammatory effect, already described in the previous paragraphs, and a direct stimulation, by mediating the synthesis of fibroblasts and Periostin, upon the production of collagen and elastin.

Feline eosinophilic granuloma

This pathology, which can affect several animal species, is characterized by the presence of nodules, bubbles, small skin cysts which cause inflammatory symptoms. In horses, it is classified among the nodular dermatitis of this species and has an as yet undefined etiology.

Equine collagenolytic granuloma is characterized by the predominant presence of eosinophils and the pharmacological treatment involves the use of Triamcinolone, a synthetic corticosteroid. Alternatively, the 810 nm diode laser due to its intrinsic decontaminating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and biostimulant biological properties can be used as a valid alternative to traditional therapy.


It is an inflammatory process that has an elective site in the adipose tissue, quite common in pets. It occurs in various forms depending on the etiopathogenesis: traumatic, pancreatic, sterile idiopathic nodular panniculitis, sterile footpad, frequent in German shepherds, post-injection panniculitis and that of infectious origin (Nocardia, Actinomyces, Bartonella, Mycobacteria, Sporothrix, Toxoplasma, Dirofillaria etc. to the.). In all these cases, the panniculitis evolves due to the release of neutral lipids by the damaged adipocytes and this induces inflammatory reactions on the tissue, of the granulomatous type.


The skin district has various defense mechanisms to avoid the penetration and replication of pathogens. In the presence of lesions, even superficial on the animal's skin, bacterial infections can be triggered, the severity of which is linked to the patient's immune conditions, the depth of the tissue planes involved, the virulence of the pathogen and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The FDA has classified these bacterial infections involving the dermis according to their clinical complications. Those classified as uncomplicated, such as Pyoderma caused by Gram-positives, and complicated ones supported by Gram+, Gram-, viruses involving deep structures associated with important pathologies and immunosuppression. The clinician, in the case of Pyoderma (horse, dog, cat et al.) which manifests itself in the form of Impetigo, folliculitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, abscesses, can use the 810nm diode laser for an effective sterilizing action on Gram+, Gram- and viruses, combined with the intrinsic biological properties that determine analgesia, anti-inflammation and triggering of the reparative processes as explained in the previous paragraphs, after having formulated a definitive diagnosis with cytological and histopathological examination. In the case of an abscess, the 810 nm diode laser can be used with an activated 300 micron optical fiber and in contact with the lesion for drainage and surgical excision.

Tissue regeneration

The mechanisms of action of Luxyvet Laser radiation on epithelial, connective, muscular, bone, nerve and vascular tissue are explained by the acceleration of biochemical and cellular events in the target organ. In the Biostimulation/Analgesia protocol, the biological interactions of the diode laser light with the chromophores catalysing oxidative phosphorylation and cellular ATP synthesis processes were described as a necessary basis for the initiation of reparative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory processes. The tissue affected by a pathological event needs sufficient energy sources to programme the necessary steps for tissue repair processes. Energy is provided by oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs within the mitochondrial respiratory cycle and requires oxygen and energy extracted from macromolecules such as glucose to synthesise ATP and H2O. The action of Luxyvet Laser takes place at the level of a specific dehydrogenase for NADH and at the level of the mitochondrial membrane with Cytochrome A/A3, by optical absorption linked to the presence of heme, and which catalyses the transport of electrons during oxidative phosphorylation from the orbital state to the nucleotide. The role of diode laser light on inflammatory processes is crucial, with a vasodilating action on vascular endothelial cells, favouring the channeling of white blood cells that adhere to the vessels of the injured tissue. Luxyvet Laser stimulates the production of NO, Nitric Oxide, a free radical that produces bacterial necrosis and stimulates cellular respiration in the injured area, leading to a vasodilating effect on the lymphatic system with a rapid reduction in edema. In 2007, LIM W et al. showed that diode laser radiation produces a decrease in the concentration of cyclooxygenase (COX) and PGE in inflamed tissue, also acting on the conductivity of amyelinated C-type nerve fibers, lowering the excitability threshold of the pain stimulus. Other research, such as that of Hamblin et al. (Harvard and MIT) confirms that diode laser radiation can decrease the concentration of cytokines, interleukin 1 and 6 and TNF alpha, buffering the effects of osteoclasts and thus favouring the synthesis of new bone matrix into defects, increasing osteocyte synthesis through osteoblastic stimulation.

Red/Demodectic mange

Demodectic Mange is a disease caused by a mite called Demodex Canis. It predominantly affects dogs and is not contagious to humans or other animals except in particular conditions of immunosuppression. The contagion occurs from the mother to the puppies which can transform, without pathological manifestations, into healthy carriers. The mite completes its life cycle inside the hair bulb and can cause skin rashes, alopecia, pustular-crusted lesions and itching. For resolution, medical therapy can be combined with 810nm diode laser therapy, to sterilize the affected skin areas, to reduce inflammation and create physiological analgesia and with photobiostimulation to trigger tissue healing processes.

Sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptic mange is also defined as canine scabies, a parasitic skin disease of canines and foxes, although it can be transmitted to other animals such as pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, chamois and ibex et al, including horses by direct contact with animals colonized by the Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. It manifests itself with intense itching which over time becomes irrepressible, both due to direct damage to the skin and due to the state of hypersensitivity triggered by contact with the antigenic material of the parasite. The lesions affect the belly and head region of the animal and in particular the auricles, the periocular region, the limbs, the abdomen and the thorax. The lesions produced by the mite are scale-like and papule-crusted, which can transform into secondary lesions such as erosions, alopecia and bacterial complications.


The sesamoids are two bones present on the posterior portion of the fetlock, fundamental for the sliding of the suspensory ligament and for the stabilization of the joint itself. Sometimes the sesamoids can be affected by an inflammatory state that causes acute forms of pain in the horse, with frequent involvement of the branches of the suspensory ligament of the fetlock, causing a pathology affecting the bone and ligament tissue. The inflammation particularly affects racing and competition horses, subjected to continuous workloads and strain on the suspensory ligament of the fetlock. Sometimes they are to remember, even anatomical causes, with pathological conformation of the limb. Sesamoiditis can produce severe forms of pain and pronounced lameness due to the presence of highly innervated tissue in the anatomical site. The clinician, together with rehabilitative therapies, and possibly medical therapy, can use the 810nm diode laser for the biological effects of the infrared radiation which are exerted on the patient with the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and triggering effects of the reparative processes.

Analgesic Therapy

Scientific publications have shown that the wavelength of diode laser radiation can interact with the myelin sheath of Schwann cells in the soft tissue, causing an in situ release of acetylcholine and serotonin and a drastic decrease in prostaglandins. The 'natural' analgesic effect of the diode laser allows the clinician to use the anesthetic sporadically. It is evident that, considering the interaction and great affinity between light radiation and pigmented tissues rich in hemoglobin and melanin, the use of vasoconstrictors is useless and counterproductive in specific clinical conditions using the laser at low powers, because it would slow down its cutting and vaporizing capacity.


It is a dermatophytosis, a disease that can affect various animals (horses, dogs, cats and others) and the human species, and is caused by a fungal infection. In horses, it represents 8% of cases diagnosed in dermatology, and is favored by the presence of keratinophilic and keratolytic pathogenic fungi, which stagnate on the animal's skin, hair and nails. It causes itching, alopecia, dandruff on the horse's skin and is easily transmissible to other animals and humans (zoonosis). The pathology is diagnosed through microscopic examination of the hair, cytological examination and a possible biopsy. The 810nm diode laser can be used in the treatment of this zoonotic pathology due to its sterilizing, anti-inflammatory and bio-regenerative effects, thanks to the application of LLLT.


Vasculitis is an inflammatory disease of the blood vessels, and manifests itself with small hemorrhagic lesions of the skin on the peripheral parts such as the tip of the ears and tail of the animal. The etiopathogenesis can be of infectious and parasitic origin, linked to pathologies that trigger immune-mediated effects or drug hypersensitivity. In the case of infectious and parasitic vasculitis, the clinician can use the 810nm diode laser with therapeutic success, due to the sterilizing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and triggering of the reparative processes properties, intrinsic to the light emitted by that wavelength. In the case of non-infectious vasculitis, linked to systemic and immune pathologies, the diode laser must be associated with the medical therapies necessary for clinical resolution.



Arthritis is defined as an inflammation of joints and may involve one or more joints in an acute or chronic form. Different forms of arthritis include rheumatoid, gouty, septic, psoriatic and reactive. Its distinguishing signs are pain, joint edema with stiffness and related symptoms such as fever. Arthritis can be treated with Luxyvet Laser by exploiting the therapeutic properties of LLLT (laser therapy). Extensive scientific literature, from the 1960s onwards, demonstrates that diode laser radiation catalyses reparative processes by increasing ATP production, through oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, it increases the transformation of osteoblasts into osteocytes by blocking the resorption action of osteoclasts, it has an anti-inflammatory action by lowering the concentration of cytokines, Interleukins 1 and 6, TNF alpha, Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandins.


It is a pathology due to the wear and tear as well as the ageing of joints. It affects the locations most stressed by load, such as the spine, hip, knee, and can also affect the carpus, metacarpus, spur, phalanges in the forelimb, and the tarsus, metatarsus and finger bones of the pelvic limb in the hind limb. The most common associated symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain, joint stiffness and limitation, caused by a deterioration of the cartilage, which, over time, loses its elasticity with increased friction between the bony surfaces within a joint. A related symptomology involves inflammation of the tendons and joint ligaments, which produces even acute pain sensations. The use of Luxyvet Laser can determine, in the case of arthrosis, an analgesic effect, by direct mediation, influencing the concentration of the neurotransmitters responsible for algic transmission, with membrane de-polarisation at the level of the myelin sheaths, and an effective anti-inflammatory action due to direct interaction on the mediators involved such as cytokines, interleukins and Tnf alpha.


The contracture condition appears as a stiffening, without muscle injury, and may be associated with continuous pain along with functional limitations. The symptoms, which may also be neuralgic with paraesthesias and tingling are rare. The therapeutic application of  Luxyvet Laser has, as already shown with other clinical conditions, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that leads to a rapid disappearance of symptoms. Traumas to the muscular system that are treated with Luxyvet Laser  evolve with reduced recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical progression. In the case of minor injuries such as a contracture, the recovery time is faster with a remarkable clinical and diagnostic follow-up.


A contusion is often related to a direct trauma that does not compromise the integrity of the affected tissue districts, and is caused by compression of soft parts. Contusive trauma can be classified into three grades. The first is characterised by the presence of ecchymosis, the second by the presence of haematomas and the third by skin necrosis that evolves towards the formation of an ulcer with the presence of febrile symptoms. The use of Luxyvet Laser with the application of photobiostimulation allows a rapid resolution of the traumatic event due to the combined action of analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect. The bio-optical stimulation of fibroblasts and subsequent proliferation and migration induces rapid healing of the tissue affected by the contusion. Hamblin et al in 2007 demonstrate increased SMA and photobiostimulation-induced analgesic effects following diode laser irradiation of injured tissue. Recall how the evidence of analgesic activity with Luxyvet Laser occurs on injured tissue and not on healthy tissue. Scientific literature has verified that diode laser radiation acts on the sodium-potassium pump with a hyperpolarising effect on myelin sheaths, which renders the receptor stimulus ineffective.

Road nail

They are lesions produced by nails or other foreign bodies on the plantar aspect of the horse's foot. The infection caused by the foreign body can evolve rapidly especially if it penetrates deep into the tissues, and must be removed as soon as possible to avoid harmful consequences such as those caused by tetanus. Even during horse shoeing, nailing can cause a deep lesion caused by a nail intended to hold the shoe to the hoof. The use of the 810nm diode laser, together with anti-tetanus prophylaxis and systemic antibiotic therapy, is very effective, during the removal of the foreign body, to sterilize the wound in depth and, with the subsequent photobiostimulation, rapidly trigger the reparative processes.


The intervertebral disc consists of the nucleus pulposus and the annulus fibrosus. As time progresses, there is a progressive degeneration of the disc that coincides with a reduction of the water content in the nucleus pulposus. This change in water concentration can lead to the appearance of structural disorders such as a decrease in disc height volume, invagination and fissuring of the fibers of the outer fibrous annulus, with the formation of hyper-vascularised granulation tissue and scar tissue. It has been shown that the mechanical-pressure stresses cause less crushing and enlargement of the undamaged disc than the degenerated one and that the degenerated disc will not completely regain its initial thickness once the load is removed. The therapeutic treatment with Luxyvet Laser is aimed at achieving an anti-inflammatory and antalgic effect in depth and a bio-stimulation that produces vasodilatation in the lymphatic system and neo-angiogenesis in order to alleviate the compression effects.

Muscle Distraction

This is a serious injury that causes the rupture of certain muscle fibers, usually caused by sudden and excessive strain. This clinical condition can be referred to, depending on the severity, as a Grade I, II or III tear. When it occurs the affected muscle should be immobilised and the animal should avoid loading the limb. Cold compresses should be applied as early as possible. Traumas to the muscular system treated with Luxyvet Laser  evolve with short recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical progression. The indications for the use of Luxyvet Laser foresee treatment up to grade III distractive injuries with longer recovery times on average in the presence of severe injuries (on average less than 45 days). Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic radiographic examinations are necessary to assess the clinical progression of the animal.


Edema is a clinical condition that results in the retention of lymphatic fluid (dropsy) in the animal with subsequent accumulation in the tissues. The causes can be many and include muscle or tendon injuries or trauma, infections, allergies, kidney, liver, heart, thyroid disease, hormonal and pressure imbalances. The milder forms tend to regress spontaneously, but a fundamental therapeutic aid comes from the use of the diode laser, whose action is performed not by thermal increase but by modification of the cellular energy level. The cells of the target organ, of the anatomic district affected by the edema, are induced, by the light of Luxyvet Laser, to change the state transition of peripheral electrons into orbitals, at a higher energy level. These changes represent the primary effects of Luxyvet Laser radiation on energy-catalysing chromophores such as Cytochrome-C oxidase, NADH, Superoxide desmutase, photoreceptor proteins such as Enkephalopsins and endogenous Porphyrins. Photobiostimulation leads to the rapid triggering of reparative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory processes. DG-8 VET stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide (NO), a free radical capable of causing bacterial necrosis and stimulating cellular respiration (via mitochondrial respiratory chains). The injured tissue shows edema due to liquid exudation, which causes compression that maintains a high pain threshold in the injured area. Luxyvet Laser causes vasodilatation in the lymphatic system with an early reduction in the edema. At a molecular level, scientific literature has verified that diode laser light, on inflamed and edematous organic areas, causes a decrease in Cyclooxygenase (COX) and Prostaglandins PGE and PGF, producing an inhibitory cascade effect on edema and pain.


Haematoma results from a traumatic injury that, without causing laceration of the epidermis, causes compression with infiltration and collection of blood within the underlying soft tissue and rupture of vessels with muscle infiltration. For this clinical eventuality the use of Luxyvet Laser is recommended for its haemostatic-coagulative properties, due to the high selectivity of its wavelength for hemoglobin, and for the mechanisms of action of photobiostimulation on organ repair processes. The tissue affected by a pathological event needs sufficient energy sources to trigger the reparative processes. Energy is provided by oxidative phosphorylation produced within the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which is necessary for ATP production. The action of the Luxyvet Laser takes place at the charge of a specific dehydrogenase for NADH, promoting the passage of peripheral electrons from the substrate to the nucleotide. Specifically, Luxyvet Laser interacts with cytochrome A/A3, which consists of proteins with an iron-protoporphyrin group similar to hemoglobin. Recent literature shows that ATP synthesised as a result of photo-biostimulation shows a considerable quantitative increase and this results in the catalysing of cellular and tissue repair processes on the site of injury.


Hygroma is a serous fluid-filled sac encapsulated within fibrous connective tissue. It is commonly found in the vicinity of the olecranon, a bony protrusion of the terminal portion of the ulna, in the elbow joint. It is characterised by an inflammatory condition that over time can develop into a fibrous connective sac filled with synovial fluid. It appears as a globular, fluctuating, edematous swelling, which can turn into a compact mass as the inflammatory process progresses. The use of Luxyvet Laser with the photo-biostimulation protocol allows the practicing clinician to obtain an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, leading to a resolution of symptoms during the early stages of the disease. Even in the animal with a chronic disease state, the radiation of Luxyvet Laser is effective in stabilising and improving symptoms and alleviating pain.

Laminite o Podophlemmatite

Laminitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot, and in severe cases it can cause the laminae to detach from the podalic bone. The inflammation causes gait disturbances and affects the dorsal wall of the hooves. Horses affected by laminitis walk in a forced way that they appear to be on tenterhooks. The causes are many and can be related to a diet rich in carbohydrates, prolonged work on rough terrain, overweight, neglected infections, drug intoxication and others. Thanks to the intrinsic biological properties of the infrared radiation, the 810nm diode laser determines an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic action on the soft tissues involved in the pathological event, triggering the healing processes. The clinician can combine laser therapy with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in the acute phase, and can decide to combine calorie intake control and recommend a diet rich in fiber with essential vitamins and minerals and low in sugars and starches . It is also advisable to soak the hay and use mature hay instead of fresh hay. It is important to encourage movement and gait of the horse by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and excessive forage intake.

Muscle injuries

The clinician must assess the importance of a drastically shortened biological recovery time on trauma patients with muscle injuries. But it is precisely with regard to rapid recovery that he/she must have appropriate assessments, and pay particular attention to the aid of available diagnostic investigations. It is essential that we do not limit ourselves to an improvement or disappearance of painful symptoms. The clinician has a deontological need to verify and certify that the clinical picture and prognosis are linked to complete remission of the pathology.

Luxyvet Laser with the help of the de-focalised handpiece determines an immediate reduction of the painful symptomatology that is accompanied by a favourable remission, from a prognostic point of view, of the clinical picture. The technical and clinical choice of not using the spacer allows the clinician to change the distance of the beam from the lesion at their discretion, modifying its penetration into the tissue and creating hyper-focalised (approaching the skin) or defocalised (moving away from the skin) photon beams. The irradiation time, which can be assessed by the clinician depending on the pathological condition of the animal, is on average three to four minutes per field. These parameters allow the laser beam to reach the injured tissues in depth, avoiding surgical aid in the first instance. The clinical advantage of using Luxyvet Laser is the reduced recovery time compared to traditional therapies. The clinical practitioner must rely not only on the verification of clinical evidence but also on specific diagnostic investigations to objectify the true evolution of the pathology. Traumas affecting the muscular system treated with Luxyvet Laser evolve with reduced recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical course.

Tendon injuries

Together with acute injuries such as tendon rupture (for which surgical treatment is required), there are chronic forms such as tendinopathies. This pathology is disabling and is often caused by an overload to which the animal's locomotive system is subjected. These injuries can be treated with a favourable prognosis with the help of Luxyvet Laser . Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic radiographic examinations are necessary to assess the clinical progression of the animal. Tendon injuries treated with Luxyvet Laser evolve with short recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical progression.

Acute / Chronic Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis in animals is a common and widespread condition. It is characterised by progressive degeneration at the joint level, accompanied by painful sensations and with progressive limitation of the mobility of the affected joint. Damage to the cartilage and surrounding tissues is evident in the progression, with edema and stiffness upon awakening or in the absence of activity. The symptoms subside when the animal becomes active again and the joint is put back into motion. As a substitute for therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Luxyvet Laser can carry out an effective anti-inflammatory and antalgic treatment for this pathological condition, as highlighted in the previous paragraphs, in association with physio kinesitherapy sessions. The diode laser enables a satisfactory clinical recovery with respect to traditional therapeutic schemes, and with the application of LLLT there is effective joint stabilisation.


Osteochondritis is an inflammatory pathology that affects bone and cartilaginous tissue during the growth period, in juvenile age, especially in dogs, and involves the joint of the head of the humerus, the femoral condyles, the tarsus, the sacrum and mandible. In the initial stages it manifests itself with a deficit in the production of sub-cartilaginous bone by the articular cartilage and with its own increase in the volume and thickness of the chondrocytes which leads to cell death. Biostimulation with the 810nm diode laser determines, in addition to the known analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, an increase in the production of osteocytes from osteoblasts, inhibiting the overproduction of osteoclasts. Infrared radiation at 670 and 810nm determines a balancing dynamic between cells and matrix, in tissues, including bone, catalyzing the production of protein molecules defined as matricellular, such as Periostin, TGF alpha, BMP-2 (growth factors) and HSP 70, fundamental for the triggering of organ and tissue reparative processes. A diet with constant control of the calories absorbed by the animal is of fundamental importance for the prevention of this pathological condition. The certain diagnosis evaluated with radiographic means such as MRI, CT, arthroscopy. In an articulated therapeutic strategy, together with PRP, stem or pluripotential cells, the action of the diode laser speeds up bone regeneration processes, as vast revised Literature has demonstrated.

Navicular pathology

It is an inflammation that affects the last distal interphalangeal joint of the horse's foot, including other anatomical parts such as the navicular bone, the podotrochlear bursa of the navicular and the deep digital flexor, together with the sesamoid ligaments and the distal annular ligament. The structures affected by the navicular pathology can undergo degenerative changes of the subchondral bone, erosions, adhesions that inhibit walking. Not easy to diagnose, this inflammation causes a less raised limb with incomplete extension of the knee joint during the horse's gait. The causes of the disease are unknown although strenuous exercise such as show jumping could explain it.

The 810nm diode laser allows with repeated applications of photobiostimulation and medical therapy, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that can produce a rapid disappearance of the symptoms on the joint affected by the inflammation.

Putrefaction of the hoof

It is characterized by an inflammation and infection of the frog which tends over time, if not treated, to ulcerate, with softening of the corneal substance and a foul-smelling sputum coming out of the podovillous tissue. If left untreated, this condition can lead to so-called frog cancer. Prevention, implementing frequent cleaning measures on the hooves and the box, and the shoeing entrusted to expert personnel, is of fundamental importance to avoid this clinical condition for the horse.

The 810nm diode laser, integrated with medical therapy, allows effective decontamination of the tissue affected by the pathological event with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action which leads to a rapid restitutio-ad-integrum.


It is a pathology that can cause disabling clinical conditions in horses, which when affected show a stiff gait, the presence of muscle cramps, pain of varying degrees and a reluctance to walk during light or moderate exercise. This condition is also observable after prolonged efforts or long-term transfers. The diagnosis is validated on clinical signs and by the increased presence of muscle enzymes in serum, such as CK (creatina kinase), LDH (lactic dehydrogenase), and AST (aspartate aminotransferase). In addition to the symptoms already described, conditions of intense sweating, dehydration, intense pain and dark urine rich in organic substances can occur. For the prevention of this clinical condition, the planning of the workload and of a diet compatible with supporting intense physical activity are of fundamental importance. In case the clinician should show pain and inflammation for the horse affected by rhabdomyolysis, he can effectively use the 810nm diode laser, for a supportive therapy and for the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the infrared radiation.


It is a contusion of the sole, heels and other parts of the foot and manifests itself with hematomas and blood transudation in the corneal substance, and sometimes suppurations and abscess formations can occur. The main causes of the contusion are to be ascribed to the presence of uneven and stony ground or from badly positioned or unsuitable shoes for the horse. The 810nm diode laser for this clinical condition determines immediate coagulation on blood losses, decontamination and tissue biostimulation.


It is a degenerative disease of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Arthrosis of the spine produces morphological changes in the intervertebral discs, joint cavities and uncovertebral joints. Symptoms consist of pain, stiffness as well as frequent walking difficulties. As a result of nerve root compression, the pain may be reflex, radiating with paraesthesias with reduced osteo-tendon reflexes. The treatment protocol for spondyloarthrosis involves the use of Luxyvet Laser in conjunction with combination therapies. The antalgic and anti-inflammatory effect of the diode laser described in the previous paragraphs leads to a relief of painful symptoms with an important reduction of inflammation, thus slowing down the evolutionary process.

Muscle Strain

Muscle strain, defined as elongation, is a mild to moderate muscle injury with overstretching of one or more muscles, resulting in haematoma due to rupture of small vessels. The clinical advantages of diode laser radiation, which produces a catalytic effect on reparative processes with LLLT, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and with rapid recovery times, have been highlighted in the previous paragraphs.

Woodworm or nail mycosis

Onychomycosis is an infectious fungal form caused by the Achorion Keratophagus which creeps into the cracks of the hoof causing fragility and infection of the nail. The 810nm diode laser in this particular clinical condition is used to decontaminate the infected area and with the subsequent photobiostimulation, to trigger the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects which produce a rapid resolution of the pathology.

Acute tendinopathies

An acute tendinopathies is described when edema and inflammation are observed with possible partial or complete rupture of the tendon. Major tendinopathies include insertional tendinopathies, tenosynovitis, peritendonitis, tendinosis with involvement of the osteo-tendon junction. Together with acute injuries such as tendon rupture (for which surgical treatment is required), acute cases with massive inflammation and edema occur. The effects of biostimulation (LLLT) of Luxyvet Laser can promote an important functional recovery of the inflamed tendon, with a favourable prognosis, without having to resort to frequent doses of NSAIDs.

Pre- and post-treatment diagnostic radiographic examinations are necessary to assess the clinical progress of the animal.

Chronic tendinopathy

Pathology caused, in most cases, by a functional overload that determines long-lasting degenerative phenomena. Along with acute injuries such as tendon rupture (for which surgical treatment is necessary) there are forms with a chronic evolution such as tendinopathies. This pathology is disabling and is often caused by an overload to which the animal's locomotor system is subjected. These lesions can be treated with a favorable prognosis thanks to the help of Luxyvet Laser. Pre- and post-treatment radiographic examinations are necessary to evaluate the clinical course of the animal. The photobiostimulation and analgesia effect of Luxyvet Laser accelerates the biochemical, molecular and cellular events in the target organ. The action is not carried out by thermal increase but by a consequent modification of the cellular energy level. The cells of the target organ are induced, by the Luxyvet Laser radiation, to change their electronic state, with the change of state of peripheral electrons in orbitals, to a higher energy level. In particular, they are involved during photobiostimulation of chromophores catalysts such as cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH), superoxide desmutase (SOD), photoreceptive proteins such as endogenous porphyrins and periostin, inducing an increase in the synthesis of ATP, fuel needed for all metabolic processes. The activation of the catalyst chromophores leads to the secondary effects of cellular stimulation, a necessary condition for the reparative processes and the analgesic effects induced by photobiostimulation. Traumas affecting the tendon system treated with Luxyvet Laser evolve with reduced recovery times and a satisfactory restitutio ad integrum for the clinical course.

General traumatology

The Luxyvet Laser diode laser can be used in traumatology following the pre-set protocol. Especially for muscle injuries (contusion, haematoma, muscle crush, contracture, strain, muscle tear), acute tendon injuries (ruptures or insertional bone avulsion) and chronic injuries (tendinopathies), acute joint injuries (sprain, dislocation), ligamentous injuries, cartilage injuries and bone injuries (fractures, microfractures, periostitis).

Ultrasound assessment is performed before and after laser treatment to monitor the treatment process.

Trigger Point

The Trigger point therapy technique is used for the treatment of muscle injuries. Trigger points or trigger points represent a frequent symptomatology in both the human and animal species, and the symptom, as defined by Travell and Simons, can be described as a painful myofascial syndrome. It is manifested by the presence of deep, well-defined pain within a localised muscle contracture, sometimes with evidence of scar tissue caused by prolonged muscle contracture producing edema and tissue hypoxia. The Trigger may involve the cell endings of the nervous system, causing membrane de-polarisation in the myelin sheaths, with increased pain sensitivity that may become chronic. The use of the diode laser results in a physiological analgesic effect induced by decreasing the concentration of neurotransmitters responsible for pain transmission, and an effective anti-inflammatory action in influencing the concentration of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and TNF alpha.



It is a tumor that originates from epithelial cells, characterized by a poor infiltrative and metastatic power. Before evaluating and choosing the therapeutic route, a certain diagnosis with cytological examinations and biopsies is essential. For the excision of adenomatous neoformations, surgery with the 810nm diode laser represents a choice of choice for the surgeon.

Basocellular Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is seen as a slow-growing superficial papular or nodular neoplasm derived from epidermal cells. This carcinoma arises from keratinocytes near the basal layer. Metastasis is rare but in situ growth can be destructive to the involved tissues. The final diagnosis is made with the biopsy. Frequent in cats (15-26%), less in dogs with an incidence around 4-12%. The elective seats are the head, neck, trunk and limbs. If evaluated, as a therapeutic approach, the surgical removal carried out with the diode laser is a conservative practice as already highlighted in other applications which will be followed, at the end of the intervention, by photobiostimulation to induce rapid regenerative effects on the treated tissue.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a neoplasm that manifests itself with crusted lesions in the hypopigmented areas of the nose, ear fins and medial canthus of the eye which represent the areas most exposed to UVA and UVB rays. The risk of developing this pathology is more frequent in cats with a white coat even if it is not infrequently found also on coats of a color other than white, especially in areas not covered by hair and it is the second most common type of tumor in horses. To confirm the diagnosis, the clinician can carry out the biopsy examination, and in the shortest possible time to ensure a more favorable outcome.


Benign tumor affecting the cellular portion of the epidermal hoof wall. The most common symptom that highlights this pathology is the horse's ambulatory instability and is associated with concomitant pain. It is always preferable to diagnose the pathology, prescribe an X-ray or an MRI, but proceed, for the definitive diagnosis, to the histological examination of the excised tissue. To treat keratoma, complete surgical removal of the crown bone is performed. The 810nm diode laser is used, during the removal of keratoacanthoma, in symbiosis with traditional instruments, to decontaminate, coagulate, disinflame the surgical areas and with post-surgical photobiostimulation, trigger rapid tissue regeneration.

Solar keratosis

Overexposure to solar radiation can cause numerous biological effects on the skin of mammals, such as the onset of tumors that differentiate into squamous cells: keratosis and actinic squamous cell carcinoma. We remind you that UVB radiation between 200 and 400nm is carcinogenic. After defining the pathology with a certain diagnosis, the therapeutic form of choice, during the initial phase, and for superficial lesions (depth <0.5 cm) in the case of actinic keratosis and squamous carcinoma, is the photodynamic one. The cytotoxic action is linked to the activation of a photosensitizing agent by a radiation with specific wavelengths. The photosensitizer (5-aminolevulinic acid) is injected intravenously or left in situ on the lesion for 3 hours, which is irradiated by a 650nm and 810nm light. The resulting photochemical reaction determines the formation of toxic Reactive Species (ROS) based on singlet oxygen, responsible for cellular apoptosis on cancer cells. The advantages of this therapy are linked to the absence of systemic toxicity, the possibility of repeating the treatment in case of recurrence, the combination with other types of treatment and the favorable therapeutic evolution from 75 to 100% of the cases treated.

General surgery

The use of the diode laser in numerous pathologies of the oral cavity has proven to be irreplaceable as it offers numerous advantages from a clinical point of view compared to traditional systems.

In particular, laser treatment results in less tissue damage, excellent coagulation with an excellent view of the surgical field, a post-operative course with reduced oedema and predictable healing. The small radius of action of the laser radiation significantly reduces the risk of instrument trauma. An electrosurgical instrument causes minimal tissue damage affecting around 400 cell layers, whereas the conventional scalpel causes at least 200, both accompanied by intracellular hemorrhage. The Luxyvet Laser diode laser, on the other hand, limits itself to 2-6 cell layers with perfect coagulation and a bactericidal action of undoubted clinical advantage. The light radiation catalyses tissue healing time and does not cause muscle fasciculation.


The hemostatic-coagulative property of diode laser radiation is due to the high affinity of its wavelength with hemoglobin. This ability can be exploited in order to control bleeding resulting from maneuvers induced by traditional instruments. This property is of fundamental importance for the clinician who has to intervene on patients treated with antiplatelet agents.

Pedunculated fibroma

Fibroma is characterized by a reactive hyperplasia of the connective tissue usually located in the buccal mucosa, tongue and palate. Diode laser treatment allows for rapid excision of the fibroid (ensuring extension beyond the margins), with perfect hemostasis and often without the use of anesthetics.


The ability of diode laser light radiation to decontaminate and reduce bacterial colonies in a logarithmic manner allows the clinician to intervene in difficult situations with rapid application times.

The intervention protocol for a cutaneous fistulous apical periodontitis demonstrates that this type of pathology can be treated with an endodontic session.

Epithelial hyperchromia

In the case of gingival hyperchromia, the clinician must establish a correct diagnosis that excludes the presence of potentially malignant formations in the epithelium.

The most frequently encountered gingival hyperchromia are lesions caused by a concentration, beyond the physiological limit, of melanin within the gingival epithelium. They can appear in a flat morphology with a blue to dark brown colouration. Single or multiple, they are found on the lips, gingival mucosa and palate.

Venous Lake

On the anatomical-pathological level and on the basis of the nosographic classification, it is necessary to distinguish immature hemangiomas (tuberous, subcutaneous and mixed) from vascular lesions proper

(capillaries, arteriovenous, lymphatic, venous and systemic). In fact, the same name is often given to different lesions, creating confusion as regards the pathophysiology and clinical treatment.

The use of the diode laser in vascular anomalies has allowed a considerable progress in treatment techniques with results not achievable with traditional instruments.

The interaction and the great affinity between the light radiation of the diode laser and the tissue chromophores allow the clinician to operate on a decontaminated and clearly visible operating field with early healing times and in the absence of post-surgical results.

Vascular lesions: Hemangiomas

On an anatomo-pathological level and according to the nosographic classification, a distinction must be made between immature hemangiomas (tuberous, subcutaneous and mixed) and vascular lesions proper (capillary, arterial-venous, lymphatic, venous and systemic). In fact, different lesions are often given the same name, creating confusion with regard to pathophysiology and clinical treatment.

The use of the diode laser in vascular anomalies has enabled considerable progress in treatment techniques with results that could not be achieved with traditional instruments.

The interaction and high affinity between the light radiation of the diode laser and tissue chromophores allow the clinician to operate on a decontaminated and clearly visible surgical field with early healing times and no post-surgical outcomes.


Mastocytoma is a tumor that originates from mast cells, cells involved in anaphylactic, allergic and hypersensitivity reactions and which release vasoactive substances such as histamine and serotonin in conditions of inflammation. It is a tumor characterized by a diversified biology, with localized forms, sometimes benign, and appearing as a metastatic pathology. It represents the most common skin neoplasm in dogs with an incidence of around 15-21% compared to other skin tumors, with development in the regions of the trunk, perineal, limbs, neck and head. Sometimes metastases are found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lungs, bone marrow and soft tissue of the oral cavity. The histological grade becomes the most important prognostic factor, because the less aggressive mast cell tumors are treated with exclusive surgery, while the more invasive ones, after surgery, must be treated with medical therapies.


It is a collection of blood in the auricular fin of cats and dogs and is visible to the clinician with a subcutaneous edema which tends, over time, to cause acute pain in the auricle and, subsequently, otitis. The primary cause of otohematoma is traumatic in origin. The therapy, in most cases, is to associate medical therapy and surgery. The 810nm diode laser is an important tool to deal with such a clinical eventuality. It allows the clinician to surgically drain the lesion, disinflaming it in hemostasis and sterilizing it effectively, subsequently applying LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) with a therapeutic handpiece to determine the triggering of tissue healing processes with stimulation, through the accelerated synthesis of ATP, of collagen and elastin, involving matricellular molecules such as Periostin, TGF-beta and BMP-2.

Papilloma Peduncolato

Papillomas in dogs, cats and other animal species are frequent cutaneous tumor forms. They can present themselves, at the first observation, in a benign form which can evolve into a malignant form or become chronic. Their origin is mainly associated with the presence of the papilloma virus and they appear in a recognizable form with a mass raised with respect to the skin, in different areas and morphologies. Sometimes, if localized on the foot, it can appear in an encysted form that requires a deep excision with respect to the skin plane.


Benign tumor that develops from the hair matrix. It can be observed in dogs and in particular in Kerry blue terriers and poodles, while it is rare in cats. It manifests itself with an intradermal, non-mobile mass and with alopecia on the shoulder, sides, back and limbs.


Sarcoid is a benign, non-metastatic cutaneous neoplasm, more frequent in horses, donkeys, mules, of fibroblastic origin, with different localization, responsible for aesthetic and functional damage. Molecular biology has shown that the etiological agent responsible for sarcoid is the Papilloma virus. After the histological diagnosis, the sarcoid can be removed with the 810nm diode laser and thanks to its haemostatic, decontaminating, analgesic cutting action, it produces a rapid surgical excision, often without opposing sutures. The subsequent post-surgical biostimulation with the 810nm diode laser determines rapid tissue regeneration and, as verified on herpetic lesions, a drastic reduction for recurrences.


It is a benign tumor of epithelial origin. In veterinary literature we can find a vast verification of tumors of follicular origin such as Trichoblastoma. Abraham et al. in 1999 they verified, out of 898 bioptic findings, that follicular neoplasms represented 8% of all those diagnosed and 26% were actually trichoblastomas affecting domestic felines. It is also quite common in the canine species and is evidenced by an exophytic neoformation, usually alopecia, on the head and neck. After formulating a certain diagnosis, the clinician can surgically remove it with the 810nm diode laser.


Tumor that affects cats (1-4%) and dogs (1-3%) and originates from all 3 portions of the hair follicle. It generally affects adult animals, manifesting itself with intradermal nodules and papules located on the head, neck, paws, tail of the cat, thorax, loins and limbs in the dog. With a certain frequency, the cystic variant can also be observed, characterized by the presence of keratin.

Nasal Turbinates

The nasal turbinates are bony structures located inside the nasal passages, covered by mucous membrane with an extensive network of capillaries. Their primary function is to filter and balance the inspired air. Due to particular anatomical conditions, such as in brachycephalic animals, or due to allergic events, chemical, bacterial, viral and other types of stress, the turbinates can change in size and create conditions that can become chronic over time, as a response to reactive stimuli with consequent respiratory distress. Hypertrophy causes edema of the respiratory mucosa which can also lead to forms of severe dyspnoea. In the case of chronic and stable hypertrophy over time, the clinician can evaluate, after a thorough diagnosis, surgical therapy with the use of the 810nm diode laser which allows a minimally invasive turbinectomy in hemostasis and tissue conservation, for the removal of a few cellular layers, compared to an operation with traditional surgical instruments.

Warts and Condylomas

The wart is a proliferative neoformation of the epidermis. It usually appears in the form of a rounded relief with a variable diameter. It is covered with keratinous cells with an elective site at the thoracic level and not infrequently found on the limbs and face. The verruca vulgaris, of viral origin (HPV), is usually located on the back and legs. The diode laser enables the neoformation to be eradicated in a very short time.



Adenocarcinoma is a tumor that can affect various organs, developing from the glandular tissue present in the various organic districts, such as the pulmonary, gastric, endometrial, pancreas, colon, breast and others such as the paranal sacs present in both dogs and cats and surrounded by fibers of the sphincter muscle, external to the anus. Among the tumor forms, the most common is the apocrine adenocarcinoma of the paranal sinus, frequent in dogs and very rare in cats. Diagnosis is based on clinical observation with digital rectal exploration, in-depth radiographic examinations, fine needle aspiration and cytological examination. The certain diagnosis always derives from the histological examination with a biopsy that the clinician can obtain with laser surgery, and the possible surgical removal of the primary tumor and the locoregional lymph nodes involved, as well as pharmacological, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For the surgical removal of adenocarcinoma of the apocrine glands, the use of the diode laser is foreseen, to be preferred over the excision techniques with traditional instruments, such as the cold blade scalpel (adjuvant on ischemic tissue) and the electrosurgery. for the intrinsic properties of light radiation with a wavelength of 810nm, which are expressed with the analgesic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory, conservative effects for the removed tissue, and for the subsequent triggering, with photobiostimulation, of the reparative processes, which induce the production accelerated recovery of collagen and elastin, and often without opposition of stitches by the clinician and healing by secondary intention re-epithelialization of the tissue subjected to diode laser surgery.


It is a relatively frequent neoplasm, mainly located on the jaw. It is classified as a benign tumor but has a tendency to recur, and the patient must undergo systematic destructive surgery. Recent scientific acquisitions have highlighted the invasive capacity on the bone involved in ameloblastoma with a massive presence of osteoclastic activity, which would block osteogenesis, with consequent resorption of bone tissue. During the development of the disease, the researchers highlighted the presence of pro-inflammatory molecules such as TNF-alpha which, together with a family of metalloproteases, would stimulate osteoclastic metabolism. The use of the 810um diode laser, in this pathological condition, becomes effective both for the surgical operation which combines the coagulative and cutting capacity on soft tissues, but also and above all for the intrinsic anti-inflammatory property of the photobiostimulation which determines an immediate decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF-alpha, cytokines and interleukins 1alpha, 6 and 8, with a buffering effect against osteoclasts, stimulating the production of osteocytes from osteoblasts and promoting bone regeneration.

Excision biopsy in the oral cavity

The excisional surgery of neoformations of the oral mucosa (all reactive lesions up to malignant tumors) is closely linked to the size of the lesions themselves, i.e. the need or not to perform a pre-operative incisional biopsy. Even the biopsy itself is an important surgical act that can be performed with the diode laser. The excision of small growths which therefore do not require a pre-operative biopsy must be performed in a manner appropriate to the clinical suspicion of the disease, so as to have cutting margins with the 810nm diode laser both lateral and deep in the healthy tissue (at least 2-4 mm away from the main lesion). These margins must be even wider the more doubtful is the nature of the lesion being treated.

Histological examination of the specimen is required in all cases.


Epulis is a hyperplasia of the connective tissue of the gingiva or periodontium. These are lesions similar to benign tumors but are not real neoplasms. This neoformation can be easily vaporized with the aid of a laser.


The fibroma is characterised by a reactive connective tissue hyperplasia usually located in the genial mucosa, on the tongue and palate. The treatment with the diode laser enables excision of the fibroid quickly (guaranteeing extension beyond the margins), with perfect haemostasis and often without the use of anaesthetics.


Fibrosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumor of soft tissues (cutaneous and subcutaneous) and represents 15% of skin tumors in dogs, while it is more frequent in cats. The pathogenesis is still not entirely clear even if the most accredited theory indicates the transformation of a chronic inflammatory process into carcinogenesis in patients with a genetic predisposition and alteration. This type of tumor appears, in the initial stages, in the form of mobile subcutaneous nodules and without significant pain effects. Subsequently they tend to increase in volume until they ulcerate, with the presence of a pseudocapsule with poorly defined margins. The observational anamnesis is essential, like radiological examinations (CT), to prepare a conclusive histopathological diagnosis. Excisional surgery is practicable if the mass is reduced and with margins of 2-3 cm of healthy tissue. Once the surgical removal of the tumor mass has been completed, the fibrosarcoma tends to recur in 18-30% of cases but with a low metastatic potential, in dogs, while in the feline, injection-induced sarcoma is accompanied by recurrences after around 6 months 15-25% of treated cases.


Premise The action of the light radiation of the diode laser in oral surgery is very effective.

The clinical advantages of laser applications in surgery compared to traditional techniques can be summarized schematically as follows: perfect hemostasis with clear vision of the surgical field; field sterilization; minimal use of vasoconstrictive anesthetics by infiltration which, in the specific case, would lead to a lengthening of the application times; absence of sutures; healing by second intention in a short time and absence of postoperative complications; less discomfort for the patient. The pathological insertion of the frenula can cause traction ischemia and progressive vestibular recession and contribute to the persistence of a midline interincisal diastema.

Epiglottic frenulum

The epiglottic frenulum is a rare malformation of the foal's larynx which causes oro-nasal reflux and cough from the first feed. The frenulum of the epiglottis is anatomically detected by the endoscopic investigation. The foal undergoes surgery, under general anesthesia, performing the trans-oral resection of the frenulum, in laparoscopy, with the 810nm diode laser. The use of traditional instruments such as the cold-blade scalpel which eliminates on average, without coagulating, 200 cellular layers or the electro-surgery which, by removing 400-500 cellular layers, coagulates the vascular bed by necrotizing it, do not allow conservative surgery as with the laser diode. The surgical practice with the 810nm diode laser determines a vaporization of 4-5 cell layers without creating cell death by necrosis but by apoptosis. This intrinsic property is linked to the selective interaction between the 810 nm wavelength of the laser and hemoglobin, already explained in the previous paragraphs, which allows a surgical excision of the fibrous cord corresponding to the persistent epiglottic frenulum, quickly and with coagulant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The subsequent biostimulation or LLLT, with the diode laser radiation on the surgically treated frenulum epiglottis, produces a fast re-epithelialization, by secondary intention, and without suture opposition, due to the interaction between the diode laser radiation and the catalyst chromophores of oxidative phosphorylation, within the mitochondrial respiratory chains, on the cells of the gingival region subjected to surgical practice. Biostimulation will induce rapid tissue healing without pain and scarring after surgery for the patient.

Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty

Gingival hypertrophies and hyperplasia, removal of gingival tissue for aesthetic, pre-prosthetic and reconstructive reasons found in the diode laser a suitable tool for their resolution.

For gingival hypertrophies caused by pharmacological, genetic and idiopathic causes, the use of the diode laser allows fast and tissue-conserving applications that are less traumatic than conventional surgery.


Gingivitis in dogs and cats is a very widespread pathology, as in humans, and is characterized by the presence of inflammation and bleeding of the gums, caused by the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora. The clinician must intervene promptly, at the first signs, to prevent the disease from evolving into the form of periodontitis which eads to the loss of clinical attachment and alveolar bone leading to tooth loss. The use of Luxyvet Laser, as an aid to oral hygiene practices such as scaling, makes it possible to prevent and treat inflammation and bleeding with photo-biostimulation, avoiding the prescription of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Odontogenic cystic lesions

Cystic lesions of an odontogenic nature found in the mandibular and maxillary bones of the horse. In the case of odontogenic cystic lesions it is important to perform diagnostic imaging, and CT is a fundamental tool for pathological evaluation. In the event that the veterinary clinician decides for a complete exeresis, the 810nm diode laser represents the instrument of choice for carrying out conservative surgery in a bloodless operating field, and with the beneficial effects linked to the interaction between laser radiation and diode and biological tissue. At the end of the surgical exeresis treatment, the clinician uses photobiostimulation to induce rapid healing times, without negative results for the patient's clinical course.

Oral leukoplakia

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity appear as idiopathic white patches or patches of as yet an unknown nature. They present a low percentage of oncogenic risk and differ from reactive hyperkeratoses that are caused by a traumatic or irritative mucosal occurrence.


Melanoma is the second most common type of tumor in horses, and quite frequently affects gray horses over 10 years of age. It appears in irregular and raised growths in the vicinity of the anus, genitals, eyelids, mouth, lymph nodes. Apart from the form that affects the ocular site, in the other anatomical areas affected the 810nm diode laser can be used both for surgical excision and for the application of the LLLT which determines early healing times on the surgically operated anatomical parts. The 810nm diode laser, associated with the 650nm source, can also be used in photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolevulinic acid in topical application on melanocytic tumors. The active substance after 3 hours from the absorption by the melanoma cells is irradiated with the laser, causing cellular apoptosis following the synthesis of toxic reactive species (ROS) with production of singlet oxygen.


Odontoma is a benign neoplasm with odontogenic ectomesenchyma with or without formation of hard tissue (WHO Class) and with unknown etiology. In the neoplasm, the production of both enamel and dentin is detected and it is reported with a certain frequency in the horse, more rarely in the dog and cat.

Surgical dentistry

The removal of mucogingival tissue of the oral cavity, for therapeutic reasons, and connected to lesions involving the superficial epithelial layers, the deep connective, muscular and bone tissue layers, find in the 810 and 980 nm diode laser a suitable tool for their resolution.

For gingival hypertrophy determined by pharmacological, traumatic, genetic and idiopathic causes, the use of the diode laser allows for fast and tissue-conserving surgery that is less traumatic than the conventional one. The diode laser eliminates a few cell layers (5/6) during surgery, with an immediate haemostatic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, causing cell death by apoptosis without necrotizing the treated tissue.


It is a benign lesion that can colonize skin areas or locate itself in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and the origin is mainly recognized as viral. The evolution of a papilloma in animals is not very rare and can turn into malignant forms especially in patients with an inefficient immune system. For the surgical removal of the papilloma from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the use of the diode laser is foreseen, to be preferred over the excision techniques with traditional instruments, such as the cold blade scalpel and the electrosurgical scalpel, due to the intrinsic properties of the light radiation with a wavelength of 810nm, which are expressed with the analgesic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory, conservative effects for the removed tissue, and for the subsequent triggering with the photobiostimulation of the reparative processes, which induce the accelerated production of collagen and elastin, without opposition of sutures by the clinician and healing by re-epithelialization by second intention of the tissue subjected to diode laser surgery.

Viral papillomatosis

Viral papillomatosis is an infectious disease caused by the papilloma virus that predominantly affects canine species while it is quite rare in cats. Papillomas are benign tumors that can colonize different districts such as the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the skin of the animal and which, becoming chronic, can evolve into a malignant form. In the case of development on the skin, the lesion can occur in single or multiple form with variable dimensions and with a polypoid, cauliflower, raised or encysted (wart-like) morphology, especially in the lower limbs. For the surgical removal of the papilloma from the skin area, the use of the diode laser is foreseen, to be preferred over the excision techniques with traditional instruments, such as the cold blade scalpel and the electrosurgical unit, due to the intrinsic properties of the light radiation with a wavelength of 810nm, which are expressed with the analgesic, coagulant, anti-inflammatory, conservative effects for the removed tissue, and for the subsequent triggering, with photobiostimulation, of the reparative processes, which induce the accelerated production of collagen and elastin, and often without opposition of sutures by the clinician and healing by re-epithelialization by secondary intention of the tissue subjected to diode laser surgery.


It is a primary, serious disease, widespread in felines and canines. The symptoms affect the support system, the mucous membrane, and the bone tissue of the oral cavity. Periodontitis is characterised by the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora, bleeding, inflammation and bone defects in the alveolar bone. If this condition is not treated in time, it causes damage to the supporting tissue with the emergence of periodontal pockets, collapse of the periodontal ligament, a severe form of inflammation with associated pain, bone defect proceeding to alveolar osteitis and inevitable loss of the tooth element involved. Also worth mentioning is the risk of systemic diseases, such as bacterial endocarditis, diabetes, interactions with organ carcinogenesis and other recent findings from the literature reviewed. Luxyvet Laser in conjunction with regular dental scaling practices can be very helpful in the primary prevention of inflammation and treatment when present in the forms described, while avoiding the prescription of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Periodontal application with the diode laser should always be preceded by scaling (preferably in the same session). Kreisler in 2005 in the publication "Clinical efficacy of semiconductor laser application..." highlighted the efficacy of diode laser periodontal treatment for decontamination of light radiation in the pocket and for the biostimulation of fibroblasts. These features lead to a marked improvement in the epithelial attachment within just a few applications.

Many studies confirm these fundamental properties of the diode laser light radiation that enable the clinician to intervene in periodontal therapy without surgical opening of the flap.


It is among the most common pathologies affecting the oral cavity for dogs and cats. In general, stomatitis is caused by pathogenic bacterial flora that causes inflammation of the soft tissues within the oral cavity, with bleeding gums, aphthous ulcers and acute pain. Even the presence of tartar can determine the favorable habitat for bacterial colonization, especially for anaerobes GRAM- Luxyvet Laser can be used as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects, and as an aid to healing reparative processes, described in the previous paragraphs, after the animal has undergone a hygiene session.